I always knew that I would enjoy college. Being almost four hours away from my hometown did not seem like a crazy idea to me, because I've always been good at adapting to my surroundings and doing my best with what's been given to me. What I didn't realize was how much Raleigh was going to change my life.
I moved to Raleigh in August, because I attend North Carolina State University. It always seemed like a really great school, and looked like a lot of fun. I was accepted into the school, and I figured I'd find friends pretty quickly. Surprisingly, I didn't make friends right away. During the first few weeks of school, I found myself constantly contacting friends from home who also went to State, because they were the only people I knew. It literally seemed like I had forgotten how to make friends. The people that I was meeting seemed more like acquaintances who were just looking for a good time.
Not only did I feel alone, but classes were not easy. I called my dad just about every week explaining that I did not understand history at all, and I thought I might actually fail the class. Way to start off strong, I know. Being a college student in this weird city was not exactly a walk in the park in the beginning. I can even remember after the first few weeks of school when people asked how I was liking State, I would respond by saying that I loved it, but then thinking, "Do I actually?"
I didn't know who I was when I entered college. I just wanted to be friends with everyone, and get through my studies. College is supposed to be this fun time where you go out, party, and create awesome memories, right? So that's what I tried doing. There was no hesitation if I got an invite to a party, because I was just so excited to feel included. But I was still empty.
The only really constant thing in my life was the Lord. It was during this "alone" time that I realized I wasn't actually alone and I needed to put all of my trust in Him, because He was all I had. Once I finally did that, things began to change, and I experienced love like I never had before.
I got involved with the Young Life college ministry at State, and instantly made friends. I found myself having the best time there, but again I was hesitant because I wanted to be friends with everyone, not just people in this ministry. But I realized that it's through His love that I really am able to love everyone. I can be friends with anyone, because I've been blessed with God's grace and love. Jesus is attractive, and He shines through me.
Not only did I begin making some great friends, but I got a grip on my classes. I ended up with a B- in history! I really figured out the flow of studying and taking notes. Classes really aren't that bad, but you do have to put in the work to succeed.
Let's talk about the city itself. Raleigh is beautiful. It somehow has the business of city life, but is surrounded by the cutest small towns, which make me feel right at home. Although I don't know all of the back roads, I'm still working on learning my way around this town. One thing that I really appreciate about Raleigh is that there is always stuff to do. Being from a small town, it's nice to never really be bored, because there are activities to do where you're living.
I'm going to miss Raleigh this summer. I definitely cannot wait to be back for my sophomore year in the fall. I really am so thankful for God's faithfulness in getting me through this year, and helping me start an incredible year in this incredible place. Maybe Raleigh will become my permanent home. Who knows?