You know that famous romance 1993 movie "Sleepless in Seattle" with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in it? Well, that title explains how I've been feeling this entire month and a half. A whole month in a half! Except I'm sleepless in Salem, not Seattle. Locale switch, just to make it original. With all my academic and sorority commitments, I definitely feel like it's hard for me to balance work and rest.
Being a total extrovert (I'm an ENFJ for those that care about the Myers-Brigg personality inventory), I love talking to people, like, I mean to an insane degree. I am always introducing myself to others wherever I am. In the elevator, in the lunch line, basically everywhere. Sometimes, though this makes me really tired and exhausted after a day of chatting with passerby. It is so difficult to relax given the fact that I tend to overthink things and therefore overreact. It usually occurs when I am bogged with homework.
Given the fact that I am a junior English literature/French double major, I have lots of papers to write. As I like to say, it is stress in two languages. I hate wasting time and I feel compelled to make every minute of my waking life productive and efficient. Evidently, this generates a lot of stress. I am also the kind of person that brainstorms paper ideas in all types of places and all times; in the shower, in the bathroom, going up stairs, during passing periods, you name it. It is quite ironic that I am a humanities major, but I used to hate writing and now I love expressing my ideas. I love using big sophisticated words that make me sound smart.
Nevertheless, when all these things accumulate and pile on top of each other, I obviously get too psyched out. I never knew I talked in my sleep from nightmares until my roommate had to move out because of the amount of my subconscious talking. I really need to learn how to chill and take it easy. I detest it when my friends tell me not to worry. It makes me worry even more. I'm a perpetual worrywart. I just cannot bring myself to procrastinate on anything. I have since adopted a work hard, play hard mentality although that often results in burnout. From this experience, I have learned to take life day by day and live in the moment. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. As a good friend of mine always says, "Life gave me a lemon, but I didn't have any sugar for lemonade."