1. “Is this cute?”
Trying to get ready for nights out, school events, interviews, or whatever the plan is that day and you both rip through your closets agreeing that neither of you have any clothes at all.2. When they listen to you rant about your teacher that has to be out to get you
We all have those days where we truly think that we are taking a class with the worst human in the world. At least your roomie is there to listen to you complain about it and provide you with support and mutual hatred.
3. The inside jokes from crazy nights out together
Remember that time you went to that bar and you spent the whole night laughing and people watching? Or when you both were over tired at two o’clock in the morning and could not stop laughing at absolutely nothing? These are the memories that last you forever.
4. What you are like at 3AM when you need a snack
When you have been up studying for a miserable exam for countless hours and you are getting crankier by the second, your roommate knows to hand you a bag of goldfish to calm you down.
5. When you both get home from long days and are dealing with mutual exhaustion
Luckily, you both get through it for mutual understanding that this whole school and life thing seems next to impossible, and you both collapse on your beds ready for a week long nap.
6. When you start to realize that you don’t know what you would do without them
I cannot imagine getting through life without my roommate. Thanks for being awesome and my partner in crime.