2. You go to Belmar, NJ for day trips to the beach. | The Odyssey Online
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15 Things you Know To Be True If You're From Bucks County, PA

If you're from Bucks County, PA you'll relate to these fifteen things.

15 Things you Know To Be True If You're From Bucks County, PA

Bucks County, a suburb local to Philadelphia, contains many up and coming towns, provides activities and attractions of various sorts, and even has some history to it. If you're like me and grew up in Bucks County, you'll know these 15 things to be true:

1. When people ask where you're from you'll say "I'm right outside of Philly."


When really you're not "right outside of Philly." You're more like 35-40 minutes from the city.

2. You go to Belmar, NJ for day trips to the beach.


Belmar is an hour at most away from Bucks County which allows for several day trips to the beach.

3. You went to "town" after school.


Many Bucks County towns have cute town boroughs with a surplus of places to eat and shop. In my town, my middle school and high school were both a short walk away and after class let out, my friends and I would walk into town to get a snack on a sunny day.

4. You take your walks in Tyler State Park.


Whether you were walking your dog, going on a run, or just looking for a nice place to hang out with friends, Tyler was the place to go.

5. Three words: Jules Thin Crust.


6. You went to Sesame Place as a child.


People from all over come to stay in Bucks County to go to Sesame Place; being it was such a local attraction, it's likely you went there one time or another during your childhood.

7. BB&T Pavilion is your go to venue for summer concerts.


You've been to 3-5, maybe even more concerts there over the years, and you might even still call it Susquehanna Bank Center.

8. Wawa > any other convenience store.


Wawa beats out everywhere else, end of story.

9. You experienced when Bucks County's Brick Hotel was featured on "Hotel Hell."


And if you were from Newtown like myself, you probably found it even cooler.

10. You do all your shopping at either The Willow Grove or Oxford Valley Mall.


Depending on what part of Bucks County you're from, you went to either of these two malls.

11. Jake's Eatery is your favorite place to grab breakfast or brunch.


Jake's over everything.

12. You've been to Peddlers Village during Christmas time.


Every year Peddlers Village is known for their winter season festivities. From all their trees and shops being filled with colorful lights to their gingerbread house making competition, Peddler's Village was the place to visit at night during the holiday season.

13. You've also been to the Christmas light show at Shady Brook Farm


Another holiday favorite is the Christmas light show at Shady Brook Farm. At least once whether with friends or family you've driven your car through the extensive path of lights.

14. You visit New Hope now and again.


New Hope is one of the most unique and authentic towns with a lot to do. You've probably paid a visit to this town a couple times.

15. "Go Birds!!"


Being a Philadelphia suburb the Philly sports pride is very present, especially after this past Super Bowl with the Philadelphia Eagles big first win. You probably went to this past year's parade and still hear people cheering "Go Birds!!" to this day.

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