is the local web address of a Netgear wireless range extender. In order to do Netgear extender setup or log in to the networking device, you ought to access mywifiext. But, what is that? Are you experiencing the not working issue? Well, this means that you are able to do none of the aforementioned things. But, fret not. The reason being, in this article, we have talked about the topmost tips through which the issue at hand can be taken care of. Walk through them and see the results for yourself.
For your information, if while trying to troubleshoot the issue at hand, you get stuck at any point, do not panic. Simply take a deep breath and continue trying to fix the issue.
[Fixed] Not Working Issue
Enter the Correct Web Address
The most obvious reason why the not working issue is behind your life is because you were not being careful while using the web address of your Netgear extender. There is a very high chance that it has typing errors or it was typed into the wrong bar.
In the first case, consider typing the web address without any typing errors and in the second case, you ought to ensure that the address is being typed into the address bar. For your information, the address bar is also called the URL field.
Update the Internet Browser
Upgrading your web browser to its latest version can also help you to put the not working issue to rest. Whether you are using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge, the process of updating the browser is more or less the same.
You need to access the Setting menu of the web browser and click on the Update Browser button. Once you are done doing this, you ought to clear the browsing history, cookies, and cache of your internet browser to prevent future technical issues.
Disable the Antivirus Software
Check if antivirus software is installed on your system, as in your computer or laptop. Is it? Well then, it looks like you have come face to face with yet another reason behind the not working issue.
Yes, technically this type of software is supposed to protect your device from viruses and malicious software, but at times, it can stop you from making your way to certain websites. Therefore, consider disabling the antivirus software on your device.
Restart the Netgear Extender
Another way through which you can say goodbye to the not working issue once and for all is by restarting your Netgear range extender. Doing so will also help you to get rid of technical glitches which might be a cause of other extender-related issues.
In order to make your extender turn into a new leaf, you need to unplug it from its current wall outlet, wait for a couple of seconds, and then, do the opposite of the first step. If you are still not able to troubleshoot the issue at hand, then follow the next tip.
Use the Default IP Address
Considering that none of the aforementioned troubleshooting hacks helped you to resolve the not working issue, you need to opt for the last resort, i.e. using the default IP address of your Netgear wireless extender.
If you want to know about what is the default IP of your networking device, it is recommended that you pay attention to the information given in the Netgear user manual. Thereafter, enter the IP address in the URL bar of the browser and hit Enter.
As mentioned in the introduction of this article, accessing the web address is very important if you want to do anything with your Netgear wireless range extender. We hope that you were able to troubleshoot the not working issue after walking through the hacks mentioned in this post.
Which was the hack that helped you out the most? Are you interested in sharing your answer with your fellow readers? Nodding your head in yes? Well then, do the honors by making use of the comment section.
Your fellow readers will definitely appreciate the effort. Do you know why? There is a possibility that the hack which helped you out might turn out to be fruitful for them too.