Everyone knows that New Year's Resolutions aren’t ever meant to be taken seriously. Only a few brave, hard-headed individuals manage to keep their goal longer than the two-month line. But if you are still one of those people that need to make one at least try this one: Every year, you have to take at least two trips away from your city/town.
Now it may sound excessive, but you can define the terms of what it means to go on a vacation. You can go explore another country, another state, or even the town bordering yours as long as it’s somewhere you have never been.
The point is to get out of your stress-filled routine and go explore and relax in a whole new environment. There has even been research done on the benefits of vacation:
1) Better Sleep: We all know that sleep is a necessity to function and with vacations it can help disrupt habits you’ve built like working late into the night or watching a backlit screen before bed.
2) Stress reduction: A study released by American Psychological Association conclude that vacations work to reduce stress by removing people from the activities and environments that they associate with stress and anxiety.
3) Improved Productivity: Professional services firm Ernst & Young conducted an internal study of its employees and found that for each additional 10 hours of vacation time employees took, their year-end performance ratings improved 8 percent. The study furthered showed that frequent vacationers were significantly less likely to leave the firm.
2017 is fast approaching. And out of all the possible goals that you could set out for yourself, this is the most reasonable. So enjoy yourself in this new year.