Why You Should Visit The 1,000 Islands | The Odyssey Online
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An Adventure Through The Mystifying 1000 Islands Will Make You Believe in True Love, Even If You Don't Want To

Visiting the 1,000 Islands enables you to understand the natural wonders of history and spend pure quality time with your loved ones.

Erikka at her trip this summer
Erikka Chowdhury

This summer I have had the good fortune of being able to explore the iconic and mystical 1000 Islands in Gananoque during my trip to Canada. I feel blessed to have crossed out this scenic destination out of my bucket list because this was truly an experience like no other! During my adventurous cruise, I was able to capture the picturesque aura of the Boldt Castle which is a legendary and monumental symbol of true love. Apparently, millionaire proprietor, George C. Boldt used to visit the 1000 Islands during the summers with his wife, Louise and their two children. To George C. Boldt, his wife resembled a divine and angelic princess and the castle is the place where she belonged. However, destiny had something else in store.

Erikka Chowdhury

While Boldt was almost done completing this extraordinarily lavish masterpiece, his beloved wife passed away. This proved to be a major emotional setback for Boldt leaving him with lifelong heartache and dire agony. In fact, legends have proclaimed that he never set foot onto 1000 Islands and the castle post Louise's death. As a matter of fact, Boldt Castle is also known as "Heart Island" and is very much similar to India's Taj Mahal due to both architectural landmarks exemplifying the depths of true love that both husbands felt towards their elegant wives.

Erikka Chowdhury

The depressing part is that both immortal love stories ended on a tragic note and thus had become impeccable components in history. After engaging myself in thorough and avid research, I discovered that the Boldt castle was left lifeless and barren for 73 years until the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority gained control over the property in 1977. Since then, the Boldt Castle has been a mesmerizing arena and romantic sight for all the people out there. It was awesome being able to circumnavigate towards and around such an exotic landmark because it made me feel more connected to our history which has been shaped by several breathtakingly amazing individuals. I'm able to connect with the world more and hope all of you will endeavor to do so as well!

Erikka Chowdhury

Visiting the 1000 Islands enables you to understand the natural wonders of history and spend pure quality time with your loved ones! It is indeed an archaic discovery which has touched millions of hearts from generation to generation. After this magnificent voyage across the vast seas of the exceptional 1000 Islands, I have realized the beauty of self-discovery which mostly arises when one is out traveling! It felt like I was truly lost in time and space.

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