"Triggered" is a medical term used to prevent symptoms from flaring. It has been used for years by those in the field of psychology, but lately the term "triggered" has been turned into a joke. As someone who has triggers, I feel like I can't say when I'm triggered because it has been turned into such a joke.
Why is the term "triggered" not a joke?
Let me give an example.
Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between gunshots and fireworks. War veterans could hear a firework go off, and the brain cannot differentiate between that sound and the sound of a gunshot. Their body goes into fight or flight response mode, and, for them, they are back in the war zone.
If you respect veterans with PTSD, why not respect those with PTSD who are rape victims, abuse survivors, etc.
How do triggers work?
When someone who was in a car crash hears a song that could have been playing when they were in said crash, it could act as a trigger. It brings back the memories, the entire moment of that car crash.
Triggers bring back the memory, bring back the emotions, and everything else that happened with the memory. Triggers are very serious and vary from person to person.
All triggers, regardless of how the trigger the person, are valid.