I Tried To Fix A Broken Man And He Broke Me In Return | The Odyssey Online
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I Tried To Fix A Broken Man And He Broke Me In Return

I thought it would be all rainbows and butterflies, but it wasn't.

I Tried To Fix A Broken Man And He Broke Me In Return
Marissa Hall

About a year ago I wrote about a boy that I was in love with, a boy that had my heart.

That boy was very broken, broken beyond repair. As a healing soul, I tried to fix him. Fixing a broken man usually ends one of two ways, he heals or he breaks you. My broken man broke me and now I'm saying something.

Broken guys will break you.

You can't fix him, you will never be able to fix him. When I met this guy, I knew that he was going to have an impact on my life. He swooped in and made me feel special. He kissed me, in a hotel room, at a conference the day before we separated for spring break. I gave up everything for him, changing my schedule to accommodate him. I did everything to make him feel like a man, ultimately making myself look like a fool. I was blind in love, not realizing that I was a ghost of the girl I wanted to be. In the end, he walked away, after I did everything to help him become whole. I was broken.

We blocked each other on social media. Pictures were deleted. Feelings were deleted.

We were ghosts of each other's past. I had to piece myself back together again. I tried to get back into the dating scene, but it hasn't gotten very far. It's been almost a year and neither of us has been in a relationship. It gives me an evil sense of joy knowing that he isn't breaking another girl like he broke me. He, however, thinks I am a witch who put a voodoo spell on his love life.

Karma has a way of taking care of those who have done wrong. He broke me, when all I wanted to do was fix him. Now, we are both whole. He will not be breaking another girl again, as he is no longer broken.

Broken guys will only break you. Do not try to fix what is already broken.

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