It's that time of the semester: finals week. It feel like just yesterday I was back in my dorm after winter break and now I'm ready to go home again. But not before one more dreadful week of tests that will determine a large portion of my grade. Luckily, I survived last semester to tell the tale and share my tips.
1. Do not let a diet take over.
Eat what you want when you want it. Finals are stressful and sometimes at 12:30 am, you really want those chicken tenders from the dining hall. Do it! In the long run, those 5 chicken tenders will not make a difference.
2. Study ahead of time.
Last semester, I was like "wow, I have so much time to study!" and then it was the night before the test and I was like "oh." Plan ahead and study a little bit each day.
3. Take time for yourself.
24 hour library hours and that really good spot in the library may sound really nice but take time to relax. Take a shower, read a book, listen to music. Do what you need for yourself.
4. Think about how you study best.
I study the best reading through the notes and asking my friends if I have questions. Big study group sessions just don't work for me. Just because all your friends are studying for that chemistry or biology final doesn't mean you need to study with them.
5. Go to review sessions.
Most of my classes have review sessions provided by the university and they've been lifesavers. They go through a general overview of the class and it really helps to pinpoint exactly what I need to study.
6. Sleep.
Cramming all the information the night before isn't going to help if you're falling asleep during the test. If you can't get a good night's sleep, NASA recommends a 27-minute nap. Maybe, try a coffee nap! Drink some coffee and then sleep for 45 minutes while the caffeine kicks in.
7. Don't let your grades define you.
This is probably the hardest thing but a bad test won't kill you. Someone told me "if a company doesn't hire you because you got a B instead of an A, you probably don't want to work for them." Don't stress and you will do fine. One B won't kill you.
So there you have it. Good luck! Study up! See you on the flip side!