I consider myself very lucky to be able to say that although I am in my third year of college, I still have an extremely tight-knit, supportive group of hometown friends. Not a lot of people can say that. As we get move on from high school into our new lives at college, many times, friendships with people at home fade away. Not my friends.
Returning home from school this past summer, I was kind of a wreck. At the tail end of what I've now aptly titled "The Shittiest Year of My Life", I was understandably not in great condition. I had recently had a bad falling out with a group of girls who I had considered my closest friends, and was dealing with managing my panic disorder, feeling totally stuck. I didn't even feel comfortable in my own home anymore, and was anxious 24/7. I didn't want to go out or see anyone.
Don't worry, this isn't an article where I wallow in self-pity. Enter my high school friends. The most hilarious, kind hearted, entertaining, f*cking insane group of people I know. These girls have been with me since I was 13 years old. They saw me through my awkward stage, held my hair back on New Years eve of 2012 when high-school-sophomore me thought I could handle a few too many shots, and supported me through all my (often questionable) crushes, waiting until after I came to my senses to tell me that they always thought the dude was weird anyway. They've supported me through both crushing heart break and the most exciting moments of my life.
I didn't know who I was anymore coming home from sophomore year. I let depreciating comments said by people who obviously didn't know me very well get to my heart, and it affected the way I saw myself. I no longer knew my good qualities. But my hometown friends reminded me of the best version of myself. Around them, I was reminded that I'm funny as hell, and a genuinely good person. They helped me to relax and to not take things too seriously. They helped me find the person I was before my panic disorder again.
Thanks to them, I am back at school with a clear mind and full heart. I'm able to appreciate the amazing friendships I have here because of what I learned from the amazing friendships I have back home. There's never going to be anyone like your hometown friends, who knew you in such a vulnerable part of your life. Who saw all the trials and (MANY) errors, yet didn't bail.
Here's to my hometown friends, because when I'm around you, I'm truly the best version of myself. I am eternally grateful for your never wavering love and support at my weakest time. If your as blessed as me to have friends like this, then you're blessed enough.