Lately, I’ve been thinking about what makes a friendship one worth being in. I’ve been curious to know what is that common denominator of all friendships that can truly make one worth it. After too many hours of over-thinking and nearly having an existential crisis over the matter, I believe I have managed to define the importance of friendship as I see it.
To me, a friendship is more than just a relationship you have in your life; it’s a core part of who you are. There is a saying here in Puerto Rico that says “Dime con quién andas, y te dire quién eres.” This essentially translates to “Tell me who you are with, and I’ll tell you who you are.”
Though, somewhat controversial with the younger generations, I believe this is very evident. Depending on who you are with, your behavior changes. You are not the same person with you are friends as you are with your parents, by nature’s default. Who you hang out with determines your behavior, whether we like to admit it or not. Not only that, but the people around you shape you into the person you will later become, which is why friends are key.
Friends are like waves, they come and go, but it is important to remember that, just like a wave, they always leave a little trace of them behind. I cannot say that I haven’t lost once really close friends, but it is because of those friends that I have learned and grown into the person that I am now. I can also say that I have made some incredible friends that to this day are still in my life. These are the people I consider my best friends.
A best friend is someone that is there to celebrate your successes and help you back up in your downfalls. A best friend is that person you can’t wait to share news with. A best friend is that person you can call in the middle of the night because you’re having a panic attack. A best friend is that person you know you can count on for anything and everything. They are your go-to, your partner-in-crime, your family.
But most importantly, a best friend is something sacred, because that love that you share is not because of blood, it’s because you chose to be in each other’s life and to be there for each other, no matter the circumstances.
To those who were and forever will be, thank you for being a part of my life. Know that I love you and cherish every second we’ve spent together and the ones that are yet to come.