Batman is a popular superhero and has been around since May of 1939. Batman was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. His original design has evolved tremendously over 75 years and went from a small comic to become a household figure. Original storylines and movies have been created to build the character from a hero on a comic book page to a live action figure. Batman is my favorite superhero. Many people will argue that he is not "super" because he is just a regular human. Alongside people like Superman and The Flash, what is so special about Batman?
This is why he is my favorite hero. His power is his humanity. His ability to relate to humans, donate to charitable causes and be a powerful crime fighter is what makes him so special. Both of his identities help the world. He feels emotions just like you and I. His mind is extraordinary and he uses his genius to help his society. Bruce Wayne, the alter ego, is a billionaire involved in charity and humanitarian causes to help the people in his community. The reason I say Bruce Wayne is his alter ego is because of the death of his parents at a young age. Bruce Wayne ceased to exist as nothing more than a mask and Batman was born.
In our current times, it is easy to wonder if our world needs a Batman, I say the answer is no. The world needs a Bruce Wayne. A powerful community leader not consumed by greed or corruption, with only one goal in mind, the greater good of the world. There are people out there that make the world a better place in secret everyday. There is good in this world, we just need to build back our faith in each other.
Batman is a symbol created for us to have hope and I have studied his actions. He embodies camaraderie, hope, and vigilance. I strived to be like Batman for my whole life, and he continues to inspire millions of people of all ages everyday!