It is hard to imagine going through college without your roommates. I know, especially in my circumstance, I wouldn’t be able to survive my day-to-day life without the girls that I come home to every day and night. These are the people who keep me sane, who I have fun with, who I can be sad with, and who I can tell anything to.
Your roommate is someone who will have your back when you have an issue with someone, and who hold your hair back when you need it most. They laugh at the funny videos that you show them (even if they aren’t funny at all), and they celebrate with you after a long week of exams. Even though you all live different lives, they still give you advice as if they expert in what you are going through. No matter what the situation, your roommates in college are your people throughout those four amazing years.
Freshman year, I had no idea what my living situation would be like for the remainder of my time in college. Girls were starting to sign apartment leases during the second month of school, and that was absolutely terrifying to me. How was I supposed to know who I was going to be friends with one, two, or even three years down the road?
Luckily, everything worked out for me. Now, three years later, I live in the most amazing house with the most amazing people. We are all different, yet we are all the same. I could not have gotten any luckier. It is kind of funny, because you are never truly as close with a friend until you share a living space. Before we all moved in together, I would always think to myself “I can’t wait to see how close we become over the next couple of years”. My roommates have become the sisters I never had, and are most definitely girls who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. I get proud of them when they get good grades, and angry with them when they make the wrong decisions. We are each others support system and nothing will ever change that.
So, thank you to my five best friends for being the best roommates a girl could ask for.
Thank you for not talking to me early in the morning when we bump into each other in the kitchen because you know I’m not a morning person.
Thank you for sharing all of your things with me, and for not getting angry when I don’t return them in a timely manner.
Thank you for texting me throughout the day because I am needy.
Thank you for saving me a seat in the library, even when it is crowded and people are giving you dirty looks.
Thank you for supporting all of my crazy decisions, and for listening to me when I whine about them for the next 48 hours.
But most importantly, thank you for being the reason I love college and wake up each and every day with a smile on my face.