5 Social Media Trends That Should Have Never Existed | The Odyssey Online
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5 Social Media Trends That Should Have Never Existed

New social media trends happen every day, and here are five social media trends that should have never existed.

5 Social Media Trends That Should Have Never Existed
Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

There have been many social media trends that circulated the internet these last couple of years. Some of these trends can be good compared to other trends which are just plain bad, so bad in fact that they should have never existed at all in the first place. Brace yourself as I discuss five social media trends that should never have existed at all.

1. The Consumption of Tide Pods / Tide Pod Challenge (2017 / 2018)

When I first heard about teenagers and even adults consuming tide pods on Facebook, I was disgusted and horrified. Tide pods are not safe for consumption and the only use for them is in your clothes during the washing laundry process.

The Tide Pod Challenge became an "internet sensation" around January 2018 which teenagers have to ingest Tide Pods. There have been many cases reported to the American Association of Poison Control Centers about the Tide Pod Challenge.

I don't know who started this trend, but I do know that it should have never existed in the first place because of the potential harm Tide Pods can do if they are consumed.

Sources: https://fortune.com/longform/tide-pod-poisoning-injuries-epidemic/



2. Licking ice cream, spitting in food, and etc. trend (2019)

As an avid Twitter user, I find some of the funniest tweets on my timeline entertaining. However, last month when I saw a video of a woman licking ice cream and then putting back I cringed in disgust and I wanted her locked up immediately along with the rest of the Twitter community.

I'm glad that was she was caught and is planning to catch some time behind bars for this crime of food tampering. Ever since the woman was caught, there have been videos of people spitting in food, using mouthwash then spitting their saliva back in the mouthwash, and even doing the same thing she was caught for doing, licking ice cream!

All I can say is "lock them all up" because I wouldn't want anyone having their food tampered with and get a disease from it all because of clout.

3. The Cameron Boyce Challenge (2019)

I saw videos on Twitter a couple of weeks ago about individuals mocking the tragic death of Cameron Boyce, and I found that it was an actual challenge. No one should mock anyone's death, celebrity or not and it's disgusting that people think that it's okay to mock a death or an illness.

Although, I am not familiar with the Disney actor, his death hits home for me because anyone can pass on at any time no matter how old you are.

4. Gallon smashing (2013)

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

The Gallon smashing challenge consists of people grabbing water or milk and throwing it on the floor, try to act all innocent by saying it was an accident instead of being on purpose, and fall on the floor. Some people even asked for the assistance of the customers to help them up off the floor.

All I can say is why do people act like toddlers who have temper tantrums. Toddlers usually have temper tantrums when they don't get their way about a particular thing. As a result, toddlers sometimes break items in the store and it's accidental compared to the people who participated in the challenge.

5. Fire challenge (2012 & 2014)

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

The origins of the challenge started around 2012 but didn't gain media coverage until 2014. The fire challenge is where a person puts flammable liquids on themselves and sets themselves on fire while being recorded. In addition, the videos are then plastered on social media for the world to see.

I honestly don't see the point of setting yourself on fire for entertainment purposes or any purpose whatsoever unless you want to some 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree burns.

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