TBH, Valentine's Day (and relationships in general) can be very stressful. Keep 2018 golden and spend this Valentine's Day pampering the only boo you need: YOU.
1. Indulge in an extravagant bath bomb or bubble bath.
Not having a bathtub in my dorm has been one of the worst things to ever happen to me because I'm so used to taking baths complete with Lush bath bombs at the end of a long day. The more wrinkled your fingers are, the more relaxed you will be.
2. Get a massage.
Good for circulation, good for breaking down a lactic acid buildup in your muscles, and good for getting rid of that pain in your neck you get from staring at the computer for too long. If you don't want to pay for a massage, cats and small dogs walking on your back can do the trick.
3. Forget your diet, don't count your macros, and get some of your favorite treats.
You are a strong, independent person who does not need another person to buy you cupcakes!
4. Invest in your appearance: hair, nails, and shopping are all allowed.
I really only get my nails done when my mom is around because I'm a #brokecollegestudent, but this Valentine's Day drop some cash on doing whatever it is that makes you look and feel put together and polished.
5. Stay in and cuddle with your pets because let's be real, they're the best at cuddling.
Your MCM would never. If you're lucky enough to still have your pet living with you, take full advantage of them being your boo 24/7 and have a night in with the one who loves you the most.
Whether or not you have someone who is trying to make dinner reservations for you this V-Day, make sure you take some time to better yourself and show yourself some self-love!