Let's get one thing straight, this piece isn't a step-by-step guide on making bath bombs or some kid of cucumber healthy cleanse water, these are tips on how to indulge. How to love what is happening in your mind and body. Not necessarily how to control your thoughts and feelings but how to enjoy the loss of control over them.
Instead of following steps one through 25 of Buzzfeed's latest how-to article, take a minute and forget what you're supposed to be doing. Take the same time you'd put into researching recommendations and put that time into researching yourself, and who knows maybe you'll write your own how-to on you.
Tip No. 1: Indulging doesn't always mean relaxing.
Indulging by definition means to allow yourself pleasure, while relaxation is to become less anxious. Let's think for a moment, would we rather immerse ourselves in pleasure or lose a little bit of stress? I assume we're going with pleasure. Of course, one can gather that by freeing ones mind to do what they enjoy, they would also relax a bit as well, so really, it's a bargain. So, what do you want? Junk food in bed? A hike up a mountain? Indulging is way beyond a mani-pedi and a glass of wine. It's all about you. If you happen to indulge by relaxing, then by all means, hit up a salon, as long as you're giving yourself what you want.
Tip No. 2: Relaxing does not mean go outside. (If we are going to talk about relaxing, I have to get this one off my chest; someone has to say it.)
Everyone assumes the best place to be to clear ones mind is outside. Breeze in your hair, sun in the sky, sounds panoramic right? Wrong. The fact about relying on mother nature for your spa day is that, first of all, the weather isn't always on your side. Winter is much too cold and summer is painstakingly hot. The fall and spring are nice I suppose, but outside is still not great territory. Allergy season, hello? There's bugs everywhere and no matter where you go or what you bring to prepare, there is never a comfortable place to sit. Think about it, hammocks are horrible. It's like you're a flailing fish someone accidentally caught in their net out on the Atlantic. And of course, sitting under a tree or on the ground is pretty much like saying "hey ants, if y'all don't mind I'm just gonna go ahead and wreck your home, feel free to attack!" Let's face it: no outdoor seating is going to come close to that recliner you've spent years molding to fit you perfectly. So unless Cinderella's birdies personally come chirping to you to whisk you away to the great outdoors, don't feel guilty for staying within the temperature-regulated, bug-free safety of your own home.
Tip No. 3: Indulgence is personal.
I could go on for hours recommending my favorite brands of tea or coffee and what dainty little cookies pair well with them in efforts to aid your journey into self-indulgence, but I would be wasting your time. Sure, it may save you a minute and a few dollars otherwise put to use experimenting, but you are truly wasting your time if you don't trust yourself in choosing for yourself. No one is better at spoiling you, than you. This is a lesson that can be applied to all aspects of life, being aware of yourself is the best way to put your mind to ease, not to mention the minds of everyone close to you. If you know what you want and need, it's much easier to communicate that to others, and be open to their wants and needs as well. In today's world of Facebook videos, Pinterest ideas and Instagram photos, we are definitely NOT lacking in inspiration. Instead, we are lacking in exploration. People are beginning to trust other people more than themselves, and that is why it's harder to make yourself happy than it is for someone else to make you happy. If you want to indulge, by yourself, get to know yourself first- by any means it's necessary.
So, my darling audience, if you get the jist of these few tips, then I hope you feel fairly confident in writing the next few on your own. As long as you take a minute for yourself, I'm sure you can do it.