I'm sure you've heard it all before. The 'model minority' stereotypes; Asians are smart, good at math, rich, become doctors, etc. We, the many Asian Americans in this country, have an advantage, the so called 'Asian Advantage.' Wouldn't that be something? To know that you're life was set in stone based on the country your parents or grandparents originated from. But it's not true. While many Asian Americans do become doctors and engineers, have large families which they can support with their income and often graduate from esteemed universities, they didn't necessarily get there by juts being Asian. But then again being Asian in this country seems to mean something completely different to someone who isn't Asian American. This seemingly harmless stereotype is so dangerous to people's view of Asian Americans and how it can be harmful to Asian Americans themselves.
The Real Asian American Experience
Something I'd like to explain about the reason why so many Asian Americans do well in school, is because of our parents' experiences growing up in poor socioeconomic settings. Like my parents who were both refugees from the Vietnam War. They grew up with just enough money to get by. My dad studied day in and day out to make sure to get into college and to be able to study engineering. He worked as a dishwasher, a janitor, a librarian, whatever he needed to do to save up money. He ate food provided at school no matter the taste because there was only so much welfare money for his family of 6 people. He wore hugely discounted and cheaply made clothes because that's all they could afford. In the end, it all paid off. Not because my dad was inherently an Asian American. But because our culture values hard work and perseverance despite the odds we face. We value education as a way to have a better life. And we spend money wisely so that we can save up to afford the necessities.
My dad is no different than the many other Asian Americans who live here. And here's the reality, my dad was one of the lucky ones. He got a good education and now makes enough money that my family can live comfortably as middle class. But many families aren't nearly as lucky. Many work as hair stylists, nail artists, construction workers, landscapers, wait staff, cashiers, etc.
So when you see those Asian American kids who stress about getting A's, doing well in sports, passing tests with a high grade, and getting into the best possible college; it's likely because their parents are just like mine. They've seen what it's like to struggle to make ends meet, and they don't wish that upon their kids. Nobody wants their kids to suffer like that.
Why the 'Model Minority' ideal sucks
But people who aren't Asian American sometimes don't get that. I've seen it far more often in people who aren't people of color, or people who aren't closely related to recent immigrants to this country. Growing up I heard the stereotypes uttered every single day by not only outsiders to the Asian American community in all types of media but also by kids my age reinforcing the stereotype they saw and heard.
This stereotype sucks a lot. And nowhere is that more true than for Southeast Asian Americans like my family. Sure those who are Eastern Asian like Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, and Korean Americans fill that stereotype to a tee. But they've also got a longer history of being in this country and being well accepted after the last century. But many Southeast Asian Americans face widespread socioeconomic and education disparities.
According to the White House's Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the high school drop-out rate among Southeast Asian Americans is staggering: 40% of Hmong, 38% of Laotian, and 35% of Cambodian populations do not complete high school. All of these Asian American groups, including Vietnamese-Americans earn well below the national average.
The 'model minority' imagery began in the mid-1960's. The constant use and normalization of this idea has now driven a wedge between Asian Americans and other communities of color. In fact, nowadays this imagery is used in a way to explain away 'white privilege' by implying that it wasn't only white people who were better off. It's society's way of pitting POC against each other.
This glossy photoshopped image of who Asian Americans are is scarily damaging. It overlooks a myriad of issues including but not limited to; crime, suicide, poverty, drugs, mental illnesses, sexuality and gender etc. It makes Asian Americans out to be the perfect people of color. And this 'model minority' imagery is spread as truth enough so that people even back it up with "research" and "science."
Effects of Being the 'Model Minority'
A large problem that exists is shown in activism. It's enough of a problem where there are Asian Americans who are shamed for not supporting movements like Black Lives Matter, but when Asian American issues arise no POC activists will stand with Asian American activists because the issues don't "apply to them." That's something someone genuinely told me when I asked why they wouldn't agree to help share an article about Asian American invisibility in society and media.
It's time to fight the 'model minority' idea. It's time for people to represent and discuss the truth about what it's like to be Asian American in this country. No longer will we be forced to hide beneath that ridiculous 'bamboo ceiling.' It's our time to take back what our heritage and cultures truly dictate. And it's not the garbage that is the 'model minority.'