Announcing his candidacy on June 16, 2015, Donald Trump began horrifying the country with his racist, impossible ideas. The United States has always been the land of the free, but with his plans, he is going to destroy America one regulation at a time. With his beliefs, ideas, and comments he has made about people, women specifically, he will not win the 2016 presidential election. Because of his plans with “the wall”, his views and comments about abortion, and his actions and comments towards women are only a few reasons why he will not be elected as president on November 8. America needs an honest, empathetic, considerate president- and with the evidence there is about Donald Trump, it will not be him this Tuesday.
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The final debate, on Wednesday, October 19, Donald Trump made quite the number of false statements about abortion. “You can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, on the final day”. The main problem here is that the entire statement is inaccurate. That is not the reality of abortion in America today. The government estimates that 91.4% of abortions are performed in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. There is no such thing as an abortion on the final day, unless the baby is already deceased. Trump claims that Hillary supports this so-called idea, but never has she ever claimed she supported “the murder of a baby,” as Donald Trump assumes. An article written by Rebecca Cohen explained why, in specific situations, a doctor would perform a mid-to-late term abortion. She explained that her baby would not survive out of the womb, for medical reasons discovered during an ultrasound, and she made a difficult decision to abort her baby- after thoroughly considering it was already gone and would not survive past birth. Trump is one to assume that women make this choice easily and take the consequences lightly. Plus, imagine being punished for going through this kind of painful decision. Donald Trump stated that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who choose or have to get an abortion. NO woman wants to have to make that kind of choice, especially having to make it alone. Hillary Clinton makes a great point in the third debate, mentioning that the government has no right to control women’s health care. Donald Trump simply will not win the presidency because of his false, ignorant comments and views about women and abortions.
Not only will he be conquered by Hillary Clinton because of his views on abortion, but the things he has said in public about women and minorities have proved him to be simply a horrible person in general. For example, a father of a man who died in Iraq spoke out against Donald Trump at a convention, and Trump responded by saying his wife, Ghazala Khan, did not speak for herself because she “wasn’t allowed to say anything,” containing the assumption that Muslim women must reserve to their husbands and not speak out. Not only does he speak horribly of women of different race or color, but during this summer, he spoke about Hillary Clinton as well. He announced that she had a “short-circuit” in her brain, and that “she’s got problems”. He claimed, “honestly, I don’t think she’s all there." He has made comments about numerous women’s appearances, weight, and even tried connecting ‘looks’ to politics. Trump is by far the most racist, sexist, and homophobic man to run for president, yet there are people who see good in him. People ignore all these facts constantly, for they believe he will “make America great again.”
Nearly every time he speaks, Donald Trump mentions how he is going to “build a wall.” By this, he means he is going to hire workers to physically build a wall between the United States and Mexico. To top it off, he plans on making Mexico pay for it. Not only is this an awfully expensive “plan”, but millions of voters are realizing how secluded our country would become and how it proves Trump is the most racist candidate. He has steps toward this plan, including: building the wall, moving criminal aliens out of our country, ending sanctuary cities, and deport anyone who enters the United States illegally. By doing this, it will make our country the exact opposite of “land of the free, home of the brave,” because the government will be kicking people out left and right, and eventually, people of all nationalities will be afraid to come to the United States. Beyond his ideas to seclude America from Mexico, and how he is going to do it, he has failed to mention how much this wall would cost. The border between the United States and Mexico stretches about 2,000 miles, and adding fencing to that land has been estimated to cost between $5.1 billion to $25 billion. Doing this would definitely negatively impact the economy of both countries, businesses, students, and tourists from around the globe. Nobody in their right mind could fully understand the impacts of his actions and plans, and would vote for him.
Hillary Clinton is smart, accepting, and compared to Trump, she is the best hope America has for the next four to eight years. Some may disagree, and say that both of our candidates are uneducated and unworthy of becoming president this year, but Hillary is in the lead in the polls. She is an understanding woman, she disapproves of Trump being so discriminatory, and she knows the idea of building a wall is a terrible idea and probably would not work in the long run anyway. Many believe Trump has made good calls on specific policies. For example, his idea to destroy ISIS has caught the attention of many. Although most of his target audience includes upper-class males, there are women who follow his ideals as well.
It is safe to say that Donald Trump will not win this year’s presidency. He has chosen to speak wrongly toward other citizens, women, specifically Hillary Clinton herself. He has chosen to make comments about abortion that are false, which made him look uneducated, then he approves of this “plan” that will bring America further in debt, and potentially start a disagreement between the United States and Mexico. His ideas are simply not well thought through, his actions and words prove that is he is immature and ignorant, and he chooses to let America see him in public acting in ways that literally make others cringe because of how malicious he is. Donald Trump is not a good candidate this year, and his views and words are only a part of what will cause him to lose when America votes on November 8. I know damn well who I'd vote for.