Since a very young age, I have always been a huge fan of vacations. Why? Well number one, no school. That's reason enough to enjoy anything. My real reason for loving to travel is the obvious one - seeing new places is exciting! Traveling as a kid usually meant family vacations which were great and I'm glad I've had them. As I have gotten older, however, I have also experienced traveling with friends. I'll be honest - it's VERY different! Each one has it's ups and downs and I'm here to explain some of them.
1. Pro of traveling with family - free stuff.
When you go to Disney with your family, they pay for your way in. They buy you the three caramel apples and the cute minnie mouse ears. When you go alone, that's like $6,000 out of your own pocket.
2. Pro for traveling with friends - same/similar age.
Most likely being the same age means you and your friend will probably share a lot of interests and the all important ENERGY level. Let's face it - at 50, your mom might not be able to keep up with you and your dad won't give a crap about a lot of the stuff you wanna see.
3. Con of traveling with family - arguments.
If you have siblings, you get it. A long car ride is a recipe for the fights siblings are known for. It's also very possible after a while you'll be like me and become fed up when your mom makes you take the 600th picture on the second day of the week long trip. It's bound to happen, and can make for not so great memories on the trip.
4. Con of traveling with friends - arguments.
Let's not lie to ourselves. If you go from seeing this person once in a while to spending 24 hours a day with them for a week, you're bound to get on each other's nerves at least a little bit.
5. Pro of traveling with family - you know how they operate and they get you too.
You know exactly what makes them tick and they know the little details about you too. It's also super nice to have your mom around if you don't feel well.
6. Pro of traveling with friends - it'll bring you closer together.
The exciting adventures you will have will provide memories for the rest of your lives and will make your friendship even stronger!
7. Pro of traveling with family - update those fam squad photos.
No more high school pics of you with braces on the fridge, instead there's a new photo of you sun-kissed and happy with your siblings.
8. Pro for both - you've shared the experience with other people
It'll be great to be able to reminisce with whoever you travel with. These adventures will be stories that bond you forever!
I hope you enjoyed this and it helped you think about your own traveling this summer!