Imagine what it would be like to live somewhere else, experience a new culture, and learn new things. With this in mind, I urge you to think about somewhere you've always wanted to go, and then make it happen. I always dreamed of coming to Australia, and I'm fortunate enough to have the opportunity right now to live, study, and work here. Now, even if Australia isn't your dream location, think about it for a minute. The first things that come to mind might include the iconic Sydney Opera House, or the Sydney Harbour Bridge, or maybe the Outback, or the Great Barrier Reef. Maybe you think about animals such as dangerous snakes, Dingos, and of course kangaroos. These are all things that crossed my mind when I first thought of Australia, but one thing I didn't think of right off the bat was the rainforests that exist here.
Traveling to the rainforest might just be the greatest thing I've done so far on my trip. I had the opportunity to hike and explore inside the mysterious the Dinden Rainforest, which is located right outside of Cairns. When I went to Cairns, I knew I would snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef and I was very excited about it, but it wasn't until later, after much more research that I booked my hiking adventure. Now don't get me wrong, seeing the colourful and tropical fish, the crystal blue ocean, and beautiful coral on the great Barrier Reef was absolutely amazing, but I've been snorkeling in gorgeous waters before, and I'd never seen anything like the rainforest in my life before.
Something that intrigues me about the rainforest is that even with all the knowledge and discoveries that we know today, there is still so much that is completely unknown. Now, I suppose I could say this about the entire world; however, I'm going to focus on the rainforest. In the Dinden Rainforest, there are trees that are millions of years old, plants that are shy, and react to touch by shrinking up. Three are birds called Cassowaries that can grow up to 6 feet tall. There are black bean plants, with beans and seeds the size of my hand. There are enormous snakes, I didn't see one, but I know that the Pythons that inhabit the forest can grow to massive lengths. Everything that surrounded me was so gorgeous, and the views and waterfall sites captivated me. I would've loved the chance to spend more days there, camp near one of the enormous waterfalls, and swim in the water holes, but I'm still grateful for the day I spent there.
If there's something you want to do, it's up to you to make it happen. Save the money you need, apply for scholarships, talk to your family and friends, do whatever it takes to follow your dreams and learn something new. Step out of your comfort zone, and I promise you, the experience you'll gain will be more rewarding than anything else you can do.