Travel Tips For Your First Flight
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Travel Tips For Someone Who Is A First Time Traveler

Traveling can be stressful but having an idea ahead of time is very helpful.

Travel Tips For Someone Who Is A First Time Traveler

As summer is the perfect time to travel and explore, there are some people who have never traveled by plane before. Having an idea ahead of time can be very helpful as traveling can be stressful to many. As a college student, I have traveled a lot by plane over my many years of being alive.

1. Pack light


Packing is the first step to the great trip. As you prepare for your trip, pull out clothes for the weather you're going to. Pull out enough outfits for the amount of time you're going to be there, and maybe bring one extra outfit just in case you spill something on your shirt or your plans change. The last thing you want to do in a crazy busy airport is lug a huge suitcase with you, so find a smaller suite case and pack away!

2. Only pack things you will use


Let me tell you, overpacking is your worst nightmare. When you're packing for your trip, think of all the things you will be doing and then figure out the best outfit for that day. You do not need three swimming suits or three pairs of jeans. You can get by with 1 swimming suit and one to two pairs of jeans. I went to Europe for three weeks and I packed in a little carry on suitcase and it was perfect! Just remember if you overpack, there won't be room to bring back things from your trip!

3. Pack a pair of pants and a sweatshirt for night time activities


Whether you're going to watch the sunset or are going to dinner outside, chances are it will cool down quite a bit when the sun goes down. You don't want to be freezing at dinner with friends or family. I always bring a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans on all my trips because I never know if the hotel will be cold or if dinner will be outside.

4. Pack a nicer outfit for a nicer night out


Normally on a vacation my family or friends go on, we go out to a nice dinner one night. Going to a nice place for dinner is always a highlight of my vacation. Bring a cute dress or a nice pair of jeans and a cute shirt while packing.

5. Buy shampoo and conditioner when you get there


When traveling by airplane, you have to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids that are all 3.4 ounces. In my experience, it will be better to buy shampoo, conditioner, and body wash when you get to your destination. Having that extra space for other things like contact solution, lotion, or some makeup items will be greatly appreciated in the long run.

6. Take a pair of shoes that can be used for a nicer outfit and comfortable for walking


Pack a pair of shoes that can be used for everyday walking, but also nice enough to wear out to a nice dinner. The goal is packing light, which means only packing at least two pairs of shoes for a week-long trip. Having a pair of shoes that can go with everything is a huge bonus!

7. If traveling out of the country, bring an adaptor


When going out of the country, you will need an adaptor to charge your phone and maybe your camera. Each country has different outlets. An adapter can be bought at Target or Walmart for pretty cheap.

8. Be open to trying new things and food


On a vacation, I always try to eat something new and be open to new things. Going to a different state like in New Orleans allows for different food options then if you live in Texas. Even though we might think the US has all the same food in each state, each state has something special to them. Being in a new place will also have different activities and some might cause you to get out of your comfort zone.

9.Try your best to fit in to the environment that your in, it’s not your home it’s theirs. Don’t be an annoying American.


Whether you are going to somewhere in the US or somewhere overseas, we need to try our best to fit into the environment we are in while on our vacation. Some other cultures do not like when we come to their country and not try new foods or respect their language and try speaking it. When we do not respect the culture of people who are in the country we are visiting, it makes them think badly about Americans. Unlike the picture above, we need to try our best to fit in and to respect them.

10.Be prepared for security and have your liquid bag and ID out and ready


When going through security, there might be a super long line so when it comes to your turn you can make things faster by having your ID and liquid bag out and ready. After you get your ID and ticket checked, you will need to take your shoes and belt off as well as pull all electronics out of your bags and put them and your liquids in a bin. Having your things out and ready can help speed up the process for you and everyone else.

11.Wear shoes that are comfortable but can also be taken off fast for security


Having comfortable shoes for traveling is a must! A lot of times trips can last a while and standing around can hurt your feet. Having shoes that can come off easily are very important for the sake of pain as well for security.

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