1. Look at Pinterest for ideas on where to go and what to do.
You can get a good visual preview of certain restaurants and cafes you that could make or break your decision to go there. Pinterest also has a bunch of pre-made lists that have helped me tremendously, such as this one:
2. Make morning coffee a routine thing.
Or tea. Or breakfast. Make sure you have the energy to not only get you through the day but to help you stay in good spirits. Traveling is stressful.
3. Look up the weather ahead, and plan accordingly.
Go to museums on rainy days, walk around and explore on sunny or warm days. Or, vice versa, if you really like rain.
4. Talk to the locals.
I cannot stress this one enough. The Internet is a great resource, but who knows the city or country better than the citizens themselves? Ask the reception people at your hotel, hostel, your AirBnB hosts, whoever you can pull aside in the street. Not only will they give great advice, this is an excellent way to learn about and experience the culture. This one is also applicable for when you get lost. Don't be that person who refuses to ask anyone for directions.
5. Go to bed earlier, wake up earlier.
I suppose this one depends on your preference, but here is why I say this: it's safer to travel in a foreign place during the daytime when there's plenty of light. Additionally, if you wake up late, things are more likely to be closed.
6. Ask for stickers!
For me, I love stickers. I put them on my laptop, on my journal, on my water bottle, everywhere. Even if you're not a sticker person per say, some places have stickers that look really cool. But especially if you don't see them, ASK!
7. Take advantage of the things you can share.
Often times, it's necessary to pack light when traveling. This proves to be a problem when you are going on a week long trip, for example. Take time to think of things that you could share with your traveling companions. My girlfriends and I always pack at least one outfit that we pass around and exchange with each other so we have one less day to pack clothes for. You can also share towels, shampoo, conditioner, a hair brush, etc.