Over most winter breaks, I either spend my time bumming it at home, marathoning my favorite movies and TV shows with my family, or only go as far as New York City to hang out with my friends. In other words, I don't do anything remotely exciting between New Years and the start of the spring semester.
This year, I was blessed enough to spend my winter break in London. I have traveled internationally in the past, but this was my first time in Europe, so needless to say, I was super excited. As expected, it was an awesome experience, and I even added a few pointers to my mental list of important things to have, see, and do when going abroad!
1. Do some research before traveling.
This is definitely the most important thing to do when planning a trip. You want to know all the best places to go, all the great food to taste, and whether or not you're going to need to pack an umbrella. If you're lazy like me, research can easily be done by asking friends and family to share stories and experiences with you if they've previously traveled to where you're planning to visit.
2. Outline an itinerary to organize your trip.
If you're traveling (especially to a new and different place), the last thing you want to do is waste all your time cooped up in your hotel room. I know the word "itinerary" can be a little intimidating, but it doesn't have to be super rigorous and inflexible. It can be as simple as listing a few places you're interested in visiting and letting the days go with the flow. On the other hand, if you're on a time constraint, it may be better to schedule out everything you're interested in doing. That's the beauty of traveling – your experience is totally up to you!
3. Try something new every day you're there.
One of my biggest pet peeves when traveling is doing or seeing something that I have access to in my everyday life at home, such as eating at McDonald's or going to a shopping mall of chain stores. You've traveled away from home to get a taste of something new, so when doing your research (as aforementioned), make sure you look up unique things to do, such as eating an indigenous food or visiting a geographic landmark.
4. Invest in a camera to document everything.
Lucky for us, in this day and age, most, if not all, phones come with pretty amazing cameras, making capturing photos and videos a pretty easy job. If you wanted to go to the next level, buying an actual camera would be a great way to immortalize your trip, especially if it's your first time going somewhere. This way, even when your trip is long over, you have a way of strolling down memory lane and recalling all your favorite bits and pieces for the next time you'll be visiting!
5. Embrace a touristy demeanor.
I know no one wants to admit it, but being a tourist really isn't that bad. Sure, it's a little embarrassing when you have to stop and ask for directions, but that's what makes traveling so fun. Embracing your status as a tourist opens so many doors for you to learn new things about a new place. Plus, it's the only time in your life that it's okay to wear and use cheesy travel paraphernalia without being questioned or judged.
If or when you get the chance to travel, be nothing short of adventurous, curious, and excited; there's so much to see in this world!