People speak on social media every day about problems that go around the globe. They never visited the site themselves, though. Traveling to distinct states and nations show the distinction in societies, individuals, and living standards from what an individual is exposed to every day. This may be simple to tell, but when you actually travel, it is certainly difficult to live through. This globe is packed with boundless cultures, religion, people, and landmarks that are yet to be found and learned by individuals opening up their world views.
While I was visiting Pakistan in the spring of 2019, I discovered that my life in America was truly blessed and that I took it for granted. On my journey to Pakistan, I flew from Atlanta to Doha. I had a 3-hour stay in Doha where everything was totally new and fresh, even the airport was totally high-tech. I could smell the stench that came from their aircraft as quickly as I got into the plane for Pakistan. The planes were half the size of the planes in the US and the food was in smaller trays that didn't smell as one would think.
As individuals in America complain about the food on the plane and the congested aircraft, I discovered that everything was taken for granted. Pakistan's way of life is entirely distinct from America. Both of them can not be contrasted unless I am adapted in both locations to the lifestyle. Not everybody in the globe has the resources and technology we do, which can be learned not from going to a lower-class nation, but also from a greater nation.
My parents and I go on a family journey to Canada every year. The communities and towns differ greatly from those in which I reside. You understand that every nation has its way of living when you experience and see fresh worlds and that it opens up a view in your mind that shows you that not everyone is the same. There are infinite options in this globe and you have the option to live in any kind of society, community or city you want, and traveling demonstrates the beauty of everything.
Traveling not only depicts distinct communities, but also this globe's beauty. Visiting distinguishable nations demonstrates the unique glorious architecture produced by distinct people and demonstrates the peculiar natural beauty in each nation. People are willing to open up their opinions on distinct cultures instead of being always biased towards their own. They can learn more about other people in the globe instead of just having a knowledge of their own culture.
People can really learn about the diversity of this world and learn more about religion, cultures and the different natural beauty they still need to see. Everyday societies have comparable cultures and events that do not represent this globe's real diversity. Traveling allows people to see and learn this variety. Learning this enables people to understand more about this globe, not just about their society.