30 Songs For The Ultimate Traveling Playlist | The Odyssey Online
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30 Songs For The Ultimate Traveling Playlist

Dancing behind the wheel is not entirely recommended.

30 Songs For The Ultimate Traveling Playlist

With the holidays upon us, everyone is making the great trek from their dorms to wherever in the world they came from. Near or far, everyone will be traveling at some point during the upcoming weeks, and depending on that special holiday traffic, may or may not be in their vehicle for an extended period of time. I've found, that the best way to survive this voyage is to have a kickin' playlist to groove to on the ride. So here's a compilation of some of the best songs I've ever heard to make up the best road trip playlist ever. Or at the very least, they'll help you get through the joy of holiday traveling.

1. "Thunder Road" - Bruce Springsteen (Of course we're starting with Bruce)

2. "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" - The Georgia Satellites

3. "With or Without You" - U2

4. "This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)" - Natalie Cole

5. "Juliet" - LMNT

6. "Washing Dishes" - Jack Johnson

7. "Hard To Handle" - The Black Crowes

8. "All These Things I've Done" - The Killers

9. "You Are The Best Thing" - Ray Montagne

10. "If It Wasn't For You" - Various Cruelties

11. "Dancing in the Moonlight" - Toploader

12. "Hey Now" - Matt and Kim

13. "Love On Top" - Beyoncé

14. "Avalanche" - Walk The Moon

15. "Danke Shoen" - Wayne Newton

16. "September" - Earth, Wind and Fire

17. "I'm Good" - The Mowgli's

18. "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons

19. "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" - Cake

20. "Do You Believe In Magic" - The Lovin' Spoonful

21. "Come On Eileen" - Dexy's Midnight Runners

22. "Quarter To Three" - Bruce Springsteen Cover

23. "My Type" - Saint Motel

24. "On Top of the World" - Imagine Dragons

25. "Rebel Beat" - Goo Goo Dolls

26. "You Make My Dreams Come True" - Hall & Oats

27. "Fat Bottomed Girls" - Queen

28. "Where Is The Love?" - The Black Eyed Peas

29. "Under The Bridge" - Red Hot Chili Peppers

30. "Anna Sun" - Walk The Moon

Rock on you angels, and safe traveling this holiday season; enjoy the time with your loved ones and friends and keep that groovy music in your heart all year round.

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