My Fall semester has just come to an end and with that so has my time at my beloved University of Scranton. At least for the next 8 months. I will be studying abroad next semester at St. Mary's University in London. I am so excited/anxious to go on this new adventure. I have always loved London and ever since my family vacation 2 years ago I felt a connection. The history and beautiful architecture of London is something that you do not get to see too often. I also love how close London is to other countries like France, Ireland, or Scotland. For some countries I do not even have to fly ,but rather just take a train. The downside to leaving is definitely leaving my family and friends for 4 and 1/2 months. It will be different not having my family being a 2 and 1/2 hour car ride but instead a 7 hour plane ride away but I will learn many new things about myself along the way. I'm hoping this trip helps me become even more independent even though I consider myself fairly independent already. It will definitely bring me out of my comfort zone by going to a place where I know no one and do not know where I am going. I will miss the comfort of my college and my old dorm. I will miss my roommates and hope they do not miss me too much. But I just have to remember there is texting, calling, or Skype. Even with all those negative aspects there are so many positives ones too ,and sometimes in life you have to take that leap of faith. I know this trip will be amazing for me to get to travel to cities like Paris, Rome, and learn more about London. Being a long way from home may actually be the best thing that can happen to me.
Here is a throwback of my sister's and I at Versaille in France.