Summer break: a time to spend relaxing, catching up on sleep, and wandering through airports. I love a vacation to a new city just as much as anyone else, but the work that goes into getting there can be exhausting and expensive, especially when airplanes are involved.
1. Airline fees. Okay, I already paid $500 to fly across the country. Now you want me to pay to bring my stuff too? Airlines will charge you for anything. With baggage fees, carry-on fees (I’m looking at you, Frontier), unaccompanied minor fees for our younger travelers, trip insurance, my wallet is not a happy camper.
2. Airport parking. This is yet another cost that makes my wallet quiver in fear. If you don’t have a ride to the airport or somewhere else to park your car while you’re away, you could easily be paying $100+ in parking for a week-long trip. With airfare, fees, and parking, I feel like I could drive to my destination for less money.
3. TSA. There’s nothing like a pat down and the suspenseful game of “what did I forget to take out of my bag” as a gloved hand begins to unzip your backpack. Fun fact: if you forget to dump your water bottle, you have to dump it outside and get back in line to keep it. Rest in peace to my favorite Nalgene, who sacrificed his life for me to catch my flight in time.
4. Delays. There's nothing like not knowing when you'll actually make it to your destination. All you can do is grumble in the terminal hoping that your flight isn't canceled. I've been on seven planes so far this summer, and four of them were delayed. The only redeeming factor was the cute flight attendant that flirted with me during the entire flight after I waited two hours to get on the plane. Thanks for the confidence boost, Delta.
5. Airplane neighbors. For once, I just want to be seated by a quiet, sane human, or better yet an empty seat. Of course, that's never the case. It's the unwritten law of airports that screaming babies and loud snorers must be placed close to as many annoyed passengers as possible.
6. Turbulence. It's all the thrill of a roller coaster, but with an increased fear for your life! You can tell me all the statistics about how rare airplane crashes are, but once I'm 30,000 feet in the air feeling like the sky is somehow producing an earthquake, I'm going to start writing my last will and testament in my iPhone notes, in hopes that it can be salvaged after the inevitable crash landing.
Traveling doesn't always have to be a pain, though! For some awesome tips on traveling on a budget and making the most of your travels, check out The Unencumbered Traveler. It may not take away the turbulence and screaming babies, but it will help you find alternative (and cheaper!) ways to satiate that travel bug in you!