My parents work for the airlines, which means I get to travel as a nonrevenue passenger, or standby. For those of you who don't know, standby means I only get on the plane if there is an open seats, and let's just say one of my most common past times is playing the game of "if I will make it on my flight home or be stuck alone in the airport till tomorrow."
1. When the flight is oversold
2. When you lurk around the agent's counter to remind them you are still trying to get on the flight
3. When there is one seat left on the flight and you are next on the list
4. When you have to watch the plane tax away from gate without you
5. When your name has a seat assignment next to it on the screen but the agent hasn't given you your ticket yet
6. When you are checking in for your flight and you need to be first on the list
8. When other standby passengers keep trying to make conversation but you are focused on listening for your name so you can get on this flight