First make sure that all of your flight plans are booked at least three to four weeks in advance because you want to have time to take off of work. An important thing to remember is to see if your airline has free checked bags or if you need to purchase a ticket for checked bag. When booking a flight it is important to check multiple airlines for the best deal for the flight. Also, put the browser in the incognito tab to help reduce higher prices. After booking it you will need to take off of work immediately to make sure that you are able to get the days you are vacationing off. When you actually start planning your trip the best way is to not plan too much at all. Start by searching for your surroundings online and see what you want to do. If there are things you NEED to book in advance to your trip book those things if necessary and keep those bookings spread out throughout your travel.
The rest of the things you want to do just put on a list as tentative things you would like to do. Doing this will help you be more relaxed on your travel because you won’t get as stressed if the weather doesn’t agree with plans. The best part about a vacation without family is that you can make the rules and relax knowing that you are in charge. Another plus about traveling alone is that it shows your independence and your success as a person knowing that you can travel without a parent helping you get on the plane to escorting you to a hotel. When traveling alone it is also best to pack light, try and bring the bare minimum. Pack sunscreen. If you are going to somewhere sunny remember to pack sunscreen so that you don’t need to get the “I told you so” look from your mother when you arrive home from an adventure by yourself.
When traveling it is also important to know what you can rent when you are under 21. You will need to do lots of research for places that will let you rent places under this age. Make sure that when it comes time to leave that you have everything you need; money, phone, chargers, ID, plane tickets, hotel confirmations, booked activity conformations, and your checked/ carry-on bags. Remember to arrive at the airport two hours early, it will take time to get through security and find your terminal. Also when going through your security thank the TSA officers, they are there to make sure you fly out safely. When you get to your destination let your family or friends know that you arrived though a personal text message or instant message for a reassurance that you are safe. After sending the quick message and possibly posting on Facebook or Instagram make sure that you call your rental car company or hotel to let them know that you need to be picked up. After this eat a hearty meal to keep your energy up for your travel days! Word of advice is to avoid the airline food at all costs, it is overpriced and generally old and will make you feel sick later. When settled in the room and ate it is time to start vacationing pull out your list and start vacationing.
If you don’t fly in too late from your destination try and start off by doing something small on your list whether it is just visiting a shopping center that you want to go to. The most important part is that you have fun and enjoy the responsibility and freedom of traveling alone.