You would think that in order to travel, you would need to gather piles and piles of money. You would think of adding additional hours to your work day to reach that large sum of money to cover all the expenses. Only this way you could live the life others boast about on Instagram, a life you tend to scroll through and hope, with their photos, you can live that same experience. A new city always seems far from reach when you have no money.
What amazes me is finding several friends with just a bit of spare change who are eager to experience a change. Friends that are interested in travel, but are on the same boat as me. But with just a few pennies and some investigation, there is a place for everyone to take a break from the day to day stressors.
Mainly, you need a place to stay and some gas money. If you can gather snacks, then you are all set for the adventure. I began to notice that I do not have to pay for a fancy museum, pay to visit a zoo or an aquarium. How about a stroll through a park or downtown?
I can have the same experience with the street art as I would with the art in a locked up building. Perhaps there is a greater story to tell behind the street art. Perhaps it is a community coming together to create a message.
Traveling does not have to be lavish, it can be simple. In simplicity, the failure of a plan is less painful than an overly priced trip.