If there is one thing I've learned in college, it's to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. At this time last year, my beloved roommate and I were road tripping to Montana for the summer. We were going to a new place for the first time where we knew nobody or nothing about the area. This didn't stop us from having an awesome summer though. The only regret I have is not being able to try all the new things we wanted due to a lack of time.
College summers are the perfect opportunity to travel. After graduation, chances are there won't be time to pack up your life and leave for three months, so do it now. Step outside of your comfort zone and expand your horizons, you will learn so much. By exploring new places, you get a look into different lifestyles and societies and gain an appreciation for ways of life different than your own. Being in a different place also opens doors to try new things you may not be able to at home. By going to Montana, I was able to hike a mountain and eat antelope, which is not something I would be able to do in Michigan.
Traveling, especially without family, is an incredible opportunity to grow personally. You are living on your own and have to be independent, while discovering a new place. Going away is a wonderful time to learn how to live on your own and handle all your adult responsibilities, since mom isn't around to help. Being away also helps you learn about yourself. Being on your own, you can do whatever you want. Learn about what interests you, try something you wouldn't normally, push yourself a little bit harder, and appreciate your surroundings. You may find a new passion along the way.
The people you meet in this undiscovered place also make great friends. By growing up and living in such a different place, the backgrounds and views these people have will probably be different than your own. This insight not only helps you learn more about their lifestyle, but it also gives you an opportunity to explain yours. These differences may present challenges, but overcoming these really helps you grow as a person, and prepares you for working with a diverse group of people in the real world.
After graduation, it's hard to say where you'll end up, so take the time now to explore any place you have wanted to, or go somewhere on a whim; the beauty of this place may surprise you. You will learn so much about this place, experience many cool new things, and meet incredible people while learning about yourself. There are so many beautiful places to discover, so make the most of every opportunity you can.