The following applies to everyone.
The idea of travel fluctuates through stages in an individual’s life. While we are young, we dream of seeing the world and living vicariously through others. However, once we reach a time in our lives, typically after thirty, we lose the time, means, and mindset to explore. Now, I am not saying that 30 is the be-all end-all. However, life changes, and that is okay. The stage of life where you start your family and career creates new priorities for an individual, and travel takes a back seat in comparison. After the kids grow up and retirement is nearing, people yearn to see the world once again. Unfortunately, age and some health reasons may be holding you back from buying the plane ticket to a dream destination. I have had countless family members, professors, and coaches who “wish they would have traveled when they were young.” Why didn’t they?
I was one of the lucky ones. I grew up with parents from Switzerland and Italy. I never wondered what a different culture lived like. I was on my first international flight at 18 months old, and I have been on five others since. My fondest moments of childhood and defining moments of my character derived from my travels.
Those reasons are why I am writing this article.
I believe the primary excuses of those who don’t travel is that they “don’t have the money” or that “it's scary.” For some, I understand. However, traveling should never be about the money. If you plan accordingly, international and domestic flights can be quite affordable. Some airports offer Allegiant services. Allegiant offers domestic flights as low as $30 ( Depending on your destination, international flights can be as low as $250. You must have the patience and drive to search. Yes, traveling is scary, but many of the “scary” things in life give us the most thrill and life changing moments.
Not only have I had life changing experiences from travel, but CEOs such as Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Steve Jobs (Apple), and authors such as J.K. Rowling (The Harry Potter Series) claim that experiences while traveling were major components in their success. Travel sparks something within all walks of life. May it be the courage to patent an idea you have been working on since you were a kid, or the ability to understand the lifestyles and choices of those around you, the spark is not something that goes away.
Travel is in my blood. Diversity and inclusion are things I strive for. Moreover, I would not be the young woman I am today without my adventures abroad. Do not let yourself long for a change of pace or a different lifestyle. Go experience it on your own while you have the health and financial and moral support needed to take such a leap.
Take the initiative and do something that may seem scary, but in the end, will alter your life in an unimaginable way. Whether you end up in a part of your hometown that you have never been to before or you end up in downtown Milan, never stop exploring.