19. Yosemite National Park | The Odyssey Online
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20 Places That I Absolutely Have To Travel To Before I Die

We love a good travel bucket list.

20 Places That I Absolutely Have To Travel To Before I Die

I have always loved the idea of exploring the world and seeing all the beautiful things it has to offer. As a college student, that isn't too feasible but someday, later in life, I would love to explore these places for obvious reasons (they're amazing) and the experience of travel and seeing a different culture, learning a new language, trying new things is something that many say can truly change your life for the better. In the best case scenario, I would visit these places, and then some but if I had to choose my top twenty places to visit, here is what I would choose and why.

1. Greece


Everyone says this, I know, you're tired of hearing about the beautiful water and buildings and amazing culture but, I love it and couldn't help it. It's gorgeous and I would die to visit someday.

2. Chicago


I live less than 8 hours from Chicago and still have never been. I feel like this may or may not be a crime against all humanity. I will take an ugly bean picture in front of The Bean someday.

3. France


Wow, yet another basic answer but yet again, I feel like this is a classic place that everyone needs to see at least once. The Eiffel Tower is too beautiful and romantic not to go to.

4. New York City (again)


I went to NYC with school my senior year but, I want to go back and have more time to take it all in and spend more time places. It was by far one of my favorite places I've ever been to.

5. Bora Bora

bora bora

Dear future husband, Bora Bora. That is all. Thanks.

6. San Francisco

san francisco

I am in love with San Francisco and have been since I started watching "Full House" as a kid. The bridge is beautiful and the houses are so cute and cozy.

7. Alberta


I'm always down for a good adventure and the lakes and hiking scene in Alberta are huge. The mountains are so beautiful and super great for Instagram pics.

8. Italy


I. Love. Italian. Food. Literally anything and everything. Pizza, pasta, bread, calzones, all of it. It's amazing. Why not go to the land of all the things that bring me joy?

9. The Maldives

the maldives

The water is beautiful, the fish are beautiful, the colorful streets are beautiful, the sunsets are beautiful. I'm really just looking for something that isn't.

10. Yellowstone National Park

yellowstone national park

I love the mountains and Yellowstone is honestly such an iconic place in the U.S. and I feel like I'm a fake American if I don't go see it for myself

11. Prague


Picture perfect and full of culture. Two of my favorite things in one place. How convenient.

12. The Great Barrier Reef

great barrier reef

I'm not a big fan of being underwater for long periods of time but I'd make an exception to see the Great Barrier Reef.

13. Indonesia


The dragon looking things are basically the main reason I want to go to Indonesia. They're huge lizards and they're kind of terrifying but I think I'm interested anyways.

14. Dubai


The skyline is beautiful. The pictures I've seen of Dubai are literally breathtaking. the food is apparently really good as well so that's a bonus.

15. Costa Rica

costa rica

I think the culture, the animals, the beaches, the volcanoes, and the forests are super unique to this area of the world making it a must see location.

16. The Grand Canyon

the grand canyon

The Grand Canyon is actually my favorite place on Earth and I've never even seen it in person so it would be dumb for me not to include it on this list.

17. Australia


Australian animals and Australian accents are super rad and the culture there is super cool. I love a good kangaroo so I'd love to see one of those mean suckers in person.

18. Spain


I took Spanish in high school so why not go test out my fabulous skills in a country that really doesn't even speak the same Spanish we learn in schools and see everything that I learned so much about.

19. Yosemite National Park

yosemite national park

I have always been a big waterfall girl. I think they're so peaceful and relaxing and the hike to get there always is too.

20. Hawaii


I'm convinced that Hawaii is one of the coolest places on Earth.

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