This article is for all the wild hearts out there who find it hard to sit still. For those who daydream about planes and suitcases and seeing the world. Wanderlust is a key component of our DNA so living with a restless soul while being broke and in college can sometimes be almost unbearable. Sitting in those boring prerequisite classes like economics, public speaking, etc. is a form of torture. It is during these over-priced classes that I shouldn’t be required to take that I have discovered that if I scrape together my savings, I can afford a one-way ticket to just about anywhere. The temptation is unreal at times, believe me.
For those of you who share my intense need for travel, I have a few encouraging words to make your time spent stuck in one place a little more bearable.
1. This won’t last forever.
Sometimes the innate need to get away steals away the moment we should be savoring. Too many times have I missed the place I was stuck in simply because I did not learn to appreciate my time spent there. So, make the most of whatever place you are in currently. Make sure you know every crook and corner so when you leave, your heart is content.
2. You might feel suffocated in college, but this is where you need to be.
Traveling with no money is simply impossible. Even travelling with very little money is inconvenient. Work hard these few years. Set a goal high for yourself and push towards it every day in order to reach your dreams and fulfill your passions and then don’t back down until you soar past them.
3. You do not have to travel across the world to quench your thirst for adventure.
As you should enjoy your time spent in a place, you should also realize that there is so much to see wherever you are, whether it be a tiny town or a huge city. There is always something to see that you have yet to discover. So go find it.
In case you haven’t caught on, I am a strong advocate for traveling. And no, I don’t mean being a tourist and hitting the highlights of popular vacation spots with your patterned fanny pack and Chaco’s. I mean being a traveler, someone who goes anywhere and everywhere organically. Someone who steps out of their comfort zones and meets people and makes connections all over the world. Who doesn’t worry about taking pictures and later shoving them down the throats of everyone on Facebook, but simply breathes in the moment and keeps it close to their heart for the remaineder of their life. By travelling, you will become a more well-rounded, cultured, and intelligent person. In my short life time, I have learned so many more valuable life lessons by saying yes to adventures than the 15 years of sitting in classrooms.
The life experience and understanding of the universe you gain through organic travel is priceless. When you are on your death bed, would you rather be surrounded by material goods and the few people you managed to keep around when you looked up from your phone long enough? Or would you love to have people from all over the world by your side with the memories of a lifetime filling you to the brim? Put your camera and phone down. Grab a tent and some friends and just go. The world will not wait for you.