When something of interest takes hold of your life and to the eyes of the rest of the world you have been trapped. For some it is a good book, a television series, a relationship, or a hobby. Really in it is something that occupies your time and slowly but surely the responsibilities that you have no longer receive as much attention as it would if your time was not taken up with this new fascination that has crept into your life. Have no fear you are not alone, many have even put themselves into a situation where they are trapped and have a hard time getting out of a rut that was at first unintentional but now without it their lives will have less importance.
Time to be honest I am addicted to several devices that take up my time like video games, TV shows, anime, and fishing. The strange thing is I was never like this before, I would get annoyed with my friends when we would hang out and they would be one their phones playing clash of clans or candy crush, while talking about various shows that they were currently watching. I still have yet to watch "Game of Thrones" and I was hearing all these things about it and just wasn’t into it. I liked working and using my time for things I thought was more important. In reality I was trapped in my way of thinking as a workaholic to the point where the work that I was doing ruined my health. To my friends I was the one that was wasting my time, because I was working through my lunch breaks, coming two hours early to work and instead of relaxing at home was bring my work home. It was ridiculous that I couldn’t define the difference between the two, free time and time for work. I was no better than my coworkers because even though they fooled around they still did their jobs and enjoyed the time given to them that was mandatory break time. I tended to be worried that I would be trapped in one of these little pleasures life has to offer that I would lose my self-control. In the end after being hospitalized that I began to understand the importance of both time to work and time to recuperate and just have some fun.
Unfortunately, I have found myself in a rut and there is no excuse for my behavior these days. I have over indulged in relaxing that I am having a difficult time removing myself from becoming trapped in different things that I find to be interesting. When I get hooked on a show I can’t stop watching till it is over, I have several apps like Netflix, Hulu, and others just so that as soon as I start to watch, I not only watch a couple episodes and call it a day. I found myself watching entire series till I am depressed that the next season won’t be released till next year. This I have found to be sad but true; to the point that it is overlapping with my productive schedule. Okay, so what happens when one season or series end, I would like to say that I a free till I am flipping through one of my apps and it shows because you watch this show you might be interested in this show, damn they got me. I tell myself I don’t have it too bad because I don’t have TV at home but in reality I am just taking advantage of new technology that has made it possible to have watch or play on the go.
I understand that it takes quite a bit of self-control to not fall for traps, yet thinking about it every year the harder it gets for this new generation that have been born into easy access to temptations. There has been a steady increase in incidents where someone is at work or school that should be doing something is trapped in a game or show instead of doing what they are supposed to be doing. Cases where relationships are ruined because while on a date either one of the two is distracted because of their smart phones. Has anything like this ever happened to you the reader or are you the one to be trapped? I wonder how much of an issue it will become for your life. Then again everyone is not like me so it might not be so bad, hang in there and the most important thing I am learning is finding that perfect balance that works for you.