Throughout the past year of my life, the amount of changes that have taken place in my life has been almost uncountable. First, was the transition of my parents divorcing, then it was graduating high school, then moving into college, then a serious relationship ending. Transitions happen all of the time, whether you ask for them or not. Transitions, happy or not, can be stressful and bring up mixed feelings.
What you should remember, is the importance of always evolving and adapting. Change is constant, it always has been. It's beneficial to learn how to adapt to a massive change. Take a step back and look at how you can improve your life from that moment forward.
It's kind of hard to go through a major change and tell yourself that everything is going to be okay.. I get it. But, you want to remind yourself that you will get through it. I have somehow learned how to successfully transition in life while still staying grounded and true to yourself. The process and journey was hard, but now I know how to stay calm during a change.
I have to be sure I focus on the good in my life. My family, my true friends, my good grades, my art, whatever it is that brings joy to my life. I don't let the one thing that went wrong rent a space in my head, I don't let the thought of that one thing grow and grow, and eventually convince me that everything in my life is going wrong and falling apart. Once you take a look at the big picture and realize that just because one relationship, one bad grade, one mistake, isn't the definition of your whole life, you will be able to transition and change after making a mistake.
Since life is always changing, and you don't know what tomorrow can hold, I be sure to also treat everyday like it may be my last. I want to ensure myself that if something bad happens tomorrow, I know that yesterday I did everything I wanted to do. I make sure I won't regret not sitting with the quiet kid at lunch, or make sure I won't feel badly about saying something rude to another person. I try everyday to follow up with my mistakes and learn how to get better. I taught myself to make sure I'm doing whatever it is to make myself happy throughout the day, that way I can be in a good mental place if there is a transition thrown at me.
I promise you that although you may think all changes are bad, they truly aren't. They help you in the long run. All of your past relationships that ended poorly now have told you what you look for in your significant other, and they will help you make your relationship with "the one," the best it can possibly be. Realizing and telling yourself that everything has a meaning and a lesson will really help you throughout your transitions in life.
Everything you may face in your life will help you become a better you. You just have to get through it.