I thought much about how I wanted to talk about this topic. The thing is, is that so many articles could be written about the people behind all of this, the current state of our country, and the new decisions that seem to reverse history with each passing day that it seems almost impossible to focus on one topic. This may be the only article I write on this subject matter, or it may be the first of many to come.
But, one thing that I'd like to say, or better yet, quote from someone else is, Donald Trump, "Lolllllll no one likes you." These wise words come from the Twitter account of Chrissy Teigen.
It seems as though it is every day that I hear on the news, read in an article, or see a tweet from the great president himself about a new and absurd thought that has been conjured up in his brain. Of recent, he has announced on Twitter, of all platforms, (though I really shouldn't be surprised), that the United States military will no longer “… accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military." This statement alone is cause for uproar and protest. He then goes on to say that the military "... cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail." Absurdity at its finest!
Now, this statement is disheartening because it serves as an attempt to reverse history, which not only devastates me, but people who are much more affected by it, such as people who are transgender and are currently serving or were planning to. Here's the thing about this though: how, Mr. President, are you about to remove and forbid people, from the military, who are willingly putting their life at stake, due to the financial cost of keeping them there? Because, as of right now, the three tweets that you sent do not detail any information about how you plan to implement this.
After this was tweeted by Trump, The Washington Post wrote an article stating how much the military spends on various things, which included transgender medical care and Viagra. The results were outstanding. The military is projected to spend between $2.4 million and $8.4 million annually on transgender healthcare, compared to the $41.6 million that they spend on Viagra annually.
Also, President Trump, just in case you didn't know, our country is trillion dollars in debt. Even though the amount that is spent on Viagra is so much more than health care for people that are transgender, neither of those numbers are truly breaking the bank.
But, despite this, I understand why he tweeted this instead of actually speaking about it. Because, why have a press conference when you can put such important news in a 140-character post that caters to many of the people that voted for you? This decision caters towards those people. Now, the transgender people, that many of his supporters are afraid of, are no longer going to be serving AND the country is going to be saving tons of money, right? Isn't that how it looks?
Not to mention the fact that he decided to announce this on the day that the Senate was finally going to debate on whether or not to push the Republican healthcare bill through, so they could approve having a conversation about the bill. That was shut down, but I have not seen that in any headline today due to the news of banning transgender people from serving.
We could all talk about these issues until we are blue in the face, but, truly, it is about doing something about it - whether it's donating, protesting, and/or having your opinion heard by our government - we are all supposed to be represented and protected people of the United States. Two of many organizations that you can donate to are the HRC and ACLU who have stated that they will take action against President Trump's decision.
To the transgender community, you are not a burden. You should be given the same rights as every one else. Your safety and well-being are of the utmost importance.
To conclude on this brief description of the overwhelming amount of information that the current political sphere holds, let's bring it back to Chrissy Teigen's tweet, "Lolllllll no one likes you." Chrissy has despised Trump for years and has tweeted way worse things about him than this. But this tweet was the one that got him to block her. We are looking at a man who thrives off of his own idea that people actually like him. To know that they can't stand him (or his policies) kills a little piece of him. Maybe, we need to start having a different conversation because we have a different kind of president. What if all of his followers tweeted him "Lolllllll no one likes you?" It might just start a twenty-first century kind of revolution. But, I think that thought should be best saved for another day.