Transformation. This term can mean several things, ranging from tiny things to those on a much longer scale. The word transformation also has different meanings in various fields of study. In physics, transformation means the induced or spontaneous change of one element into another by a nuclear process. In the more generalized field of science, transformation typically refers to a metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal. Still, in the most basic definition, transformation means “ a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance”. All of these definitions encompass the same idea- transformation is a drastic and necessary change that typically brings about a beneficial circumstance.
We know what transformation is, but what does it mean to transform things for the glory of God? Transforming your attitude only on Sunday morning, or changing your conversations with just your close friends for the better isn’t enough. God calls us to transform everything – our studies, career, relationships, hobbies…everything. But how do we transform everything in a world that resists alternation? How do we reach out to people in a world where no one wants to be helped? Furthermore, how do we learn to see and exemplify God in every single aspect of our lives? Transformation in the way that God desires it requires us to alter every single conversation, thought, and action so that it glorifies Him.
In order to reflect God in all aspects and live a life that signifies his kingdom, we need to adapt every element of our lives. In our studies, we should be eager to learn and absorb information necessary for a well-rounded life. In our hobbies, we can aim to do things that bring us joy and promote some well being for ourselves and others. In our relationships, we can glorify God by loving our friends and family and reflecting God’s love onto those whom we care so much about. In our career, we should pray that people see God through us, by showing compassion and concern and sacrificing our time and effort for the good of others.
Transformation can be very difficult. Making a change can be very difficult, but we know that transformation in this sense is very necessary. God calls us to come out of the shadows and shine the light of his kingdom for all to see. We are meant to be beacons of light, to be seen as different- set apart. Transforming the everyday aspects of our lives sets us apart. Loving people and learning and working for the glory of God sets us apart.
Take a closer look around you. What needs transformation in your life and in the world we live in? Consider your personal and professional life, hobbies and passions. What is God looking to transform not only in your life, but also in your heart? Take a leap of faith, go where God takes you, and transform everything. Transformation is a drastic change, but it may be just the change that we need in our lives.