We live in a world where it's expected that a woman is an independent being outside of her boyfriend and while I mostly agree with that, it doesn’t mean I’m going to give my boyfriend up for college.
The background:
Without getting into too much detail, my boyfriend and I met within the first few weeks of school and hit it off immediately. We started dating and spent every moment that we weren’t in class together, you could say that we were obsessed with each other. We spent the entire school year together and we had plans to do the same the following year, so it came as a huge surprise when he told me he wanted to go back home and not continue at Central Michigan University.
Let me tell you, those next few days were very emotional for him and me. I am a planner and I like to stick to plans as much as possible so the idea of breaking plans that to stay at Central scared me. I also loved my school and I couldn’t see myself going away where else.There was no way I was going to break up with him, but I knew I couldn’t do the long-distance thing. Ultimately, it all came down to who I loved more my boyfriend or my school. That was a no-brainer. I picked my boyfriend and made plans to start the transferring process to Eastern Michigan University.
Accepting my Decision:
At first, I was nervous to tell people why I was transferring so instead of telling them the real reason I would just say that it’s cheaper or close to home. The real reason would come up later in the conversation and it was a 50/50 on the reaction that I got. Sometimes they would be excited and accepting, but other times I would get what I call “the look” which I interpret as “You’re transferring for some boy?” look. Some people would even tell me that it’s not that best choice and I should reconsider. My friend even asked: “What if Y'all break up?”. I understand that these people were just looking out for my best interest, but my boyfriend is my best interest and there is no way I’m going to be without him at school.
I stopped being so nervous and began telling the truth and it felt great. I loved letting people know that I am willing to transfer schools for my boyfriend. It was okay to follow my boyfriend back home because I love him and I know if I really didn’t want to start a brand-new university he wouldn’t force me. He didn’t decide for me; the only thing he decided to do is not continue at Central. It was my decision to start somewhere new and close to him. Maybe we could have lasted while I was up at Central but I couldn’t have risked that. Our relationship is way more important than where I get my degree from.
Once I got back home, I stopped being disappointed and sad about leaving Central. Instead, I got excited to start my first year at Eastern because I already feel like it will be a good fit for me. My classes for the fall semester are almost identical to the classes I would have taken at Central, I could stay at home and not pay room and board, and my boyfriend’s college is extremely close to Eastern. I’m excited to see not only how I grow as a person, but how my relationship grows and flourishes. In my heart and mind, I know that leaving CMU was an excellent decision, even though I will miss shouting the ever annoying “Fire Up Chips” at football games.