25 Thoughts On What It Truly Means To Be An Ole Miss Rebel
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25 Thoughts On What It Truly Means To Be An Ole Miss Rebel

1. Being this excited to cheer on the Rebs at football games

25 Thoughts On What It Truly Means To Be An Ole Miss Rebel
Hannah Williamson

There is so much more to being an Ole Miss Rebel than the cliches of being a part of Greek life or going to football games.

1. Being this excited to cheer on the Rebs at football games

Seriously, if you aren't as excited to cheer on the Rebs as I am in the cover photo of this article, why are you even there?

2. Hotty Toddy is your "hello"

If you are out of state and see someone in Ole Miss gear, are you really an Ole Miss fan if you don't yell "Hotty Toddy?"

3. The Walk of Champions

The head football coach leads the team through The Grove and to the stadium a few hours before the game as fans are giving high fives and words of good luck to the team.

4. Trash can Friday

Yes, this sounds dumb, but don't you dare tell an Ole Miss student it's dumb. Seeing our 10-acre grove covered in red and blue trash cans mean that it is almost game day!!!

5. Tailgating in The Grove

No, we do not tailgate out of the back of our trucks. No, we do not wear a t-shirt and jeans to the game. Tailgating in The Grove is definitely an extravagant event.

6. Locking the Vaught

As loud music is blaring in the stadium, every Ole Miss fan locks arms with the person beside them swaying side to side while the players also do this at the edge of the tunnel. Then, the players storm the field. This is such a cool tradition at home games that gets all fans and players hype for the game that is about to begin!

7. Honoring Chucky Mullins

If you have never heard the story about Chucky Mullins, I highly encourage you to read into it. Since 2010, one Ole Miss player is chosen as the recipient of the "Chucky Mullins Courage Award." The recipient also wears Mullins' jersey number throughout the season.

8. Getting Pom Poms in the student section at football games

9. Swayze showers

Let's just say when our team hits a home run at Swayze field, the student section goes a little crazy.

10. Getting free t-shirts at basketball games

Because who doesn't love free stuff?

11. Having pride in the university

To be an Ole Miss Rebel means to have pride for your university in ALL aspects: academics, athletics, and everything in between. We are proud of the opportunities our university has for students through various organizations on campus, such as the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, Trent Lott Leadership Institute, Associated Student Body, and many others. We are proud of each and every athletic team and coaching staff member for their hard work and dedication.

It's easy to be proud when you get to be a part of such an amazing (and BEAUTIFUL) university like the University of Mississippi.

12. Standing behind your family

Of course, we are going to stand behind one another during our successes, such as successful seasons for teams, graduations, honors ceremonies, etc. However, this also includes the not so fun stuff like the NCAA allegations we were hit with not too long ago. I don't say this to try to make our university be viewed in a negative light; I say this to bring light to the fact that even during that, our players (and fans) have banded together and endured whatever has come our way.

13. Embracing the many mascot changes

Honestly, all the mascot changes are just comical at this point. At least the current, new mascot, Tony the landshark, has a cool story behind it.

14. Hating the sound of cowbells

Seriously, cow bells are the most obnoxious thing ever (and not just because Mississippi State is our rival.)

15. Getting used to there always being construction SOMEWHERE on campus

16. Having the instinct to say "HYDR" when someone says "Are You Ready?"

17. Coping with losses at games that were DEFINITELY supposed to be wins

But hey, at least we have fun at the games right?

18. Complaining about parking

Commuter parking is the absolute worst. My class may not start until 10 or 11 a.m., but I'll be on campus by 8 a.m. just to make sure I get a parking spot. I so wish we had more parking garages on campus.

19. Honoring the 18 mph speed limit

Seriously, this is such a cool way to honor Archie Manning.

20. Having a love/ hate relationship with squirrels

I have never gotten so up close and personal with a squirrel until I came to Ole Miss. These creatures are fearless and will get all up in your bubble. Seriously, I was sitting in The Grove on the stage during my first semester of my freshman year, and a squirrel came out of nowhere and just kept pacing around me. Kind of cool, yet kind of weird at the same time.

21. Just going for it at cross walks

There are SO. MANY. CROSSWALKS. Remember: pedestrians have the right away (aka students will cross before looking because they are secretly thinking about their tuition being paid for if they get hit.)

22. Being a little scared to walk down Business Row

Honestly, this is one of the routes I'd love to take to class because of how beautiful campus is over there, but more times than not I choose an alternate route simply because I don't want to be attacked by tons of people promoting different things: events, elections, etc. (Don't get me wrong, I love some of the stuff that gets promoted on Business Row, but it can be a tad overwhelming.)

23. Craving Raising Cane's or Steak 'n Shake but not wanting to trek across campus to get it...

24. ...Then deciding to go get Chick-Fil-A at the union for the millionth time instead...

25. ... And then waiting in line forever for said Chick-Fil-A because you decided to go at the same time everyone else did

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