10 Reasons Why We Love Teachers | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Why We Love Teachers

Traits that make us love our favorite teachers.

10 Reasons Why We Love Teachers

Everyone has their favorite subjects throughout their entire academic career. For some, it was anything math-related or science-related. For others, it was English-related or history-related. One of the more common themes about what made these courses so special and dear to us is the teacher or professor who taught it to us. We all have a favorite teacher that made the course more interesting and sparked. Sense of curiosity about the topic. I want to just highlight a few reasons as to what I love most about those teachers and how the impact that they can make could be detrimental to one's success in life.

1. A teacher has the responsibility of peaking each student's interest in a topic.

This is a tough job, if you consider the gravity of it. When a child is young, he or she dreams of becoming some type of professional in a certain type of field. Although I believe it takes a village to raise a child, one of the most important components of that village is a teacher. A teacher has to present the information in a way that makes students dream bigger.

2. Teachers can help children socially.

Teachers can help parents help teach their children social skills that are necessary to be successful in life. Kids tend to learn these skills as they approach adolescence.

3. Teachers are educating the future.

Teachers are vital because they are molding our futures by empowering children with knowledge. Knowledge can be one's greatest asset, or their biggest downfall of not used properly and ethically.

4. Teachers can sometimes become a student's mentor.

Some teachers can influence a child in such a positive way that the child seeks his or her counsel on many other topics in life. This can lead to mentoring and can be vital to a student's success in school.

5. Teachers (should) go above and beyond.

Some teachers truly bless the lives of their students. From tutoring to making sure things are going well at home, some teachers go above and beyond their job description to ensure that a student is successful.

6. Teachers can help children become more organized.

Many teachers are organized so children can see at an early age how important organizational skills are.

7. Teachers still learn.

Teachers should be eternal learners. I say that because as the world changes around us, they still have the huge responsibility of preparing generations for the future. They must equip themselves with as much knowledge as possible to be effective teachers.

8. They want to see best out of every student.

Teachers possess the ability to see the best in each student. They have to know how to pull that out of each student's so that he or she can utilize their full potential.

9. Teachers make class fun.

One of the biggest reasons that we love our favorite teachers is because they made class fun. They make it so interesting to learn what they teach us.

10. Teachers make students feel that they truly cared.

Teachers show us that they loved their jobs when they showed us so much care. They show us that they believe in us and that truly want us to succeed and change the world.

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