Growing up in a time with limited access to technology, we 90s and early 2000s kids had to entertain ourselves. Let's take a break from early adulthood stress and remember the nostalgic times of our childhood.
1. Furby
2. Sky Dancers
My youngest aunt introduced this magnificent toy to me. You could catch my cousin and I whirling her up into the air and watch her dance across the sky for hours.
3. Lincoln Logs
My brother and I got this toy for Christmas one year and spent the entire morning playing with it. These little logs were so much fun to play with!
4. Barbie's Dream House
This was my favorite thing in the world! My cousin and I would sit downstairs for hours playing barbies. This Dream Home has an elevator and everything I could dream of.
5. Mr. Potato Head
Classic! If Andy had it, we wanted to have it.
6. Bop it
The catchy tune and competitive spirit of this toy made it the best. We played this in a circle, passing it to the next person, hoping they didn't mess up.
7. Pokémon
My cousins, brother, and I played the cards, the gameboy game, and watched the show like true fans. I even had a binder with card holders to protect my gems. You could always catch me trading cards during recess.
8. Tamagotchi
These virtual children that could eat, go to the bathroom, and play were one of the most wanted toys of childhood. Don't worry, mine was always attached to my hip.
9. Pogo Sticks
Pink Pogo Stick  by nag #12, via Flickr | PINK! | Pogo stick, Pink, Back in the day
We all loved when pogo sticks made a comeback! I tried and tried, but I can admit now, I could never actually do it.
10. Gameboy
My favorite games were (obviously) Pokemon and Harvest Moon. A guilty pleasure of mine to this day is still Harvest Moon. For those of you who understand my love for this game--they have an app now.
11. Barbie Head
I couldn't find the OG picture, but everyone loved this barbie you could style. I gave mine to my cousin so he could practice braiding hair. She disappeared (after the move). The search still continues.
12. House
Were you the mom, dad, or baby? I was the mom, of course, but secretly always wanted to be the baby. Don't worry, house also included adventures in the woods, making mud pies, and starting fake fires.
13. Easy Bake Oven
Grandma always understood my love for this toy. Every kid should experience the magic of the Easy Bake Oven.
14. Baby Dolls
My baby could eat, go to the bathroom, and cry. How much better can it get? I loved this thing so much. My mom always tells stories of me carrying her everywhere I went.
15. The OG Polly Pocket
I loved to play with my Polly pockets. Pretty sure mine disappeared (thanks mom) because they had lead in the paint.