With Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror, it seems as though the anticipation of Christmas has all but exploded. Christmas lights are being turned on, Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals have been snatched up quicker than when the Grinch stole Christmas, and the sight of Christmas trees on the tops of cars has become the norm.
Come this time of year, everyone seems to be just a little bit more joyful as the memories of Christmas past float through their minds. Adults looking forward to the long weekend, kids anxiously awaiting the first present from Santa, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t look forward to the food!
It is easy to get caught up in all the activities and excitement that sometimes we forget about those who might not have that ideal, American Christmas. A real problem in the communities around the U.S. is parents that can’t afford to buy presents for their children. Fortunately, there is a way to help spread the generosity of giving and to help out someone in your community.
Toys for Tots is a charitable program led by the United States Marine Corps Reserve that collects unwrapped presents and helps distribute them to families in need. Their mission states:
The primary goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.
I am filled with hope as I am presented with a chance to give a child a Christmas. The guidelines to make a donation to this cause are really quite simple. Purchase a new toy that is still in the original packaging and leave it at a drop off location near you. These locations can be found here.
Drop locations typically include, but are not limited to, ToysRus, BabiesRus, and Salvation Army. Christmas is just around the corner, and you have a chance to help make someone's holiday a little less stressful and a child's so much more memorable. So if you have an extra present or a few extra bucks in your pocket, I encourage you to take a moment and help celebrate the season of giving.