The Toy Story movies have always been some of my favorite animated movies, and Toy Story 2 is the best out of the series. If you disagree, sorry, but you're wrong. Maybe I'm partial because my name is Jessie and I have red hair and green eyes, but either way, they are great movies with some good lessons we can learn from the characters. Here's a few of my favorite lines.
1. "I'm packing you an extra pair of shoes, and your angry eyes, just in case." — Mrs. Potato Head
Mrs. Potato Head packs just like I do. It's always better to be overprepared rather than not have what you need, right? Just in case.
2. "There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere." — Buzz
Amen. Just amen.
3. "Reach for the sky." — Woody
Always set goals and dream big. Don't settle for mediocracy, but aim high and do your best.
4. "But I don't wanna use my head!" — Rex
Though Rex meant this in a more literal manner, I can relate in other ways. I'm pretty sure I say this often during finals week.
5. "Remember, they'll say anything to make you doubt yourself." — Lotso
This is pretty deep for a purple bear. Stay true to who you are and don't let anyone else's opinion make you doubt who you are. Just keep doing you.
6. "Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from threat of force." — Barbie
I feel like this line could've come from a presidential candidate or a press conference. But it came from Barbie instead, and that makes it even better. She's beauty and brains.
7. "You just need to believe in yourself." — Rex
Maybe Rex could be the next inspirational speaker or best-selling writer?
8. "I can't stop Andy from growing up... But I wouldn't miss it for the world." — Woody
We can't stop time, so we have to stop ourselves long enough to enjoy the present. Don't miss out on things because you can never get that time back.
9. "You've got a friend in me."
This sums it up perfectly.
These few lines are just the beginning of lessons learned, laughter shared, and friendships made throughout all three movies. They are simply a classic that will forever be a large part of my childhood. I hope that my children one day enjoy them as much as I did, and that they learn from it too.