While you may not think it at first, toy poodles are extremely lovable dogs. While they are known for being petite and cute, they, like most other small dogs, are thought to have an attitude and bark that overcompensate for their size. When my family and I decided to adopt a toy poodle, Anastasia, I realized that, while their attitude can be big, they are full of love and having one is a very rewarding experience. Here are four reasons why getting a toy poodle is completely worth it.
1. Their personality makes up for their size
Casey Clarke
Toy poodles may be tiny, but they pack a big personality. Yes, this means that they may be a little more hyper than other breeds, but their personalities are what make them unique and personable. My toy poodle can easily get excited when she meets someone new or want to play. She gets a little neurotic whenever someone leaves the house, barking at them while their car leaves the driveway. She also stands her ground when playing with my Boston terrier, who easily overpowers her. Ana's strong personality, like that of many other toy poodles, makes her quirky and even more loveable.
2. They may get sassy, but their cuteness makes up for it
Casey Clarke
Their adorableness makes up for any attitude or barking problem they may have. While their tiny size and curly hair are very cute, their mannerisms are what make them the most adorable. When Anastasia meets someone new, she gets really wiggly and curls up into a ball. When she is happy and running, she hops in between strides. She lays belly-up in the living room every night right after dinner. She also makes the cutest little sound when she is stretching or being picked up. These little actions only add to her quirkiness and cuteness, and they make the whole family smile.
3. They are incredibly smart
Casey Clarke
It doesn't take long to teach a toy poodle a trick. All poodles are notorious for their high intelligence levels. The breed even used to be trained to be in the circus. They learn very quickly, which makes it easy to train them or teach them tricks. It was not difficult to train my toy poodle, and it is very cool to see that she understands a lot of what my family and I say or do.
4. They want to spend every minute they can by your side
Casey Clarke
Toy poodles love others just as much as they are loved by others. While my family and I fell in love with Anastasia instantly, she fell in love with us almost as quickly. She always wants to be near us and becomes sad when we leave, even if it is just to go grocery shopping. She especially fell in love with my mom, following her around 24/7, sleeping right next to her at night, and always wanting to cuddle with her.
We have had Anastasia for almost three years, and they have been the three best years of my life and have proved that toy poodles are incredible and extremely lovable dogs.