Relationships between people, whether it be man and woman, woman and woman or man and man, is learning to accept the other person's faults and shortcomings. We choose to accept this because most people need or want someone to love in their life.
Sometimes it just becomes too much for one or both partners in a relationship to take. Everyone has a certain limit of bullshit they can stand to take from someone else and once that limit is reached the relationship for that person becomes unfulfilling. It makes them wish for it to end and eventually leads to break up or separation or divorce.
I've been in a relationship for the past four years with a man that has not benefited my well-being as much as I would like. In part, this is my fault because I don't voice my needs as much as some do. But when a relationship becomes a drain on your very soul then it's time to say goodbye.
My stress in this relationship has come to a point that has become unmanageable. I suffer from migraines under the weight of unhappiness I feel. I'm depressed and have to take Prozac to bolster my mood. I find myself very unsatisfied and looking for a change.
I've talked with him about this but he demands that I continue to try making things better. How does one accomplish such an act when they feel that no change will make it better? When all the talking is done renders no results, what is the next step?
He's one to say that he'll change and things will get better but we've been down this road before and he made good on his word for a couple of months and then resorted back to being the same self-centered person he was before. I've always felt that I give way more than I receive. Again, this would be my fault for not addressing the issue, but a one-sided relationship on my part does no good.
It feels like I'm attached to an incubus that continues to suck all joy and happiness from my life. He's a daily drag and is always complaining about the littlest things. I'm not allowed to explore the world because he suffers from anxiety. I'm not saying that he doesn't have a right to be like this, a person can't help the chemical makeup of their brain, I'm simply saying that I no longer wish to be caught up in the web of limited social life and lack of exploring to keep him happy.
I'm emotionally checked out. I have been for some time and it has led me to realize that I'm just wasting my life spending it with someone that doesn't make me happy or benefit my soul. It's not his fault. I've just grown apart from him. Why should I stay unhappy just to keep him happy? What good is life if you can't do what makes you happy and be with a person that makes you just as happy?
I've decided that I have spent enough time concerning myself with the needs of others. It's my life and I have to do what's right for me and for my son. Our well-being is at stake. It may be the hardest thing I've had to do in my life but it will benefit me in the long run. I've spent half of my 20s finding the person that I want to be. It's been a lot of pain and heartache but I've realized that I don't want to live the rest of life being miserable when I could be living a happy life. If that means that I'll be single for the rest of my life, so be it.
I am in charge of my own happiness and if I do happen to find another human being to share that with then great, if not I'll do my own thing. There is no rule in life that requires me to be a part of a relationship.
Don't let others keep you from being happy in life. It's time to drop the toxic people and live your life the way you want to!