Through out our lives we encounter people who are uplifting to our spirit and bring out the best in us. Individuals whose hearts are pure, filled with kindness and who want nothing but to see you succeed in every way. Throughout our lives, we also encounter toxic people. Ones who only live to benefit themselves. The ones who will tear you down, just so they can rise even the smallest bit. These people will act as your friend, tricking you into thinking they care when they are truly only their for pain.
We will never be able to avoid them, no matter what stage in our life we are personally at, a toxic person will be present. They will try and bring you down. Make you feel that you are not a worthy person. They act as the victim when they really are the villain. They will try and make other think ugly of you, and diminish other friendships. Just know this.
Know that you are stronger than them. Know that you don't need them in your life. Know that all the negative things they say are not true. Know that you are better than they way they are trying to perceive you.
See these people are your own personal devil. They are the evil within your life. Never give them the power to control you, or your life. You do not need them as a friend, you do not need them in your life. If they take others out of your life, let them also walk away. For a true friend will stand by your side, and know the truth about you.
Walk away will a heart filled with hope. Never stoop to their level and speak ill words. Do not wish for harm in their life. The best thing you can give them is your forgiveness from a distance, for they need no place in your life.
Know you worth and know your value. Stick to your true friends, and what bring you love and happiness. Leave the toxic friendships and people in your past.