Hello to all of those friends who turn their back on you the moment you need them. To those girls from elementary school who can’t seem to be nice on the playground. Hello to the users. To the people who are only your friend when they need attention. Hello to all of those people who make you feel like you are insignificant and a terrible friend. You aren’t.
How many of these people have you had in your life? You think things are great and going well. Then bam! That wall hits you. The friend you thought you had, turned out to be a fraud. Someone who didn’t actually care or just stopped caring. I know that you spent countless nights trying to figure out what you had done wrong. The answer is simple. It's not you, it's them.
That’s right. People can be jerks sometimes. They decide that they don’t want anything to do with you. It’s taken me years to figure this out. I have gone through so many friends like this. It seems I attract them. I must have some huge sign that says ‘Go ahead and walk all over me!’
In all honesty, I’ve learned so much from these people. While they haven't been fun lessons, they are still necessary. I am in no way saying that you should let yourself be manipulated because it is hell to go through. Being thrown away is never fun. Because of these “friends” though, I’ve found who truly matters. From the person who has stuck by me from over 800 miles away and is more like a brother than a friend, to the person who has offered an ear to listen to all of my complaints.
I think the most important thing that I’ve learned from these friendships is that I need to stick to myself. For me, that means taking a break from reality every once in awhile or taking time to myself to just be alone and my introverted self. It also means that I need to remind myself that it is not me. These insecurities that I have are not always a true thing, I don’t actually drive people away. My best friends are proof of that.
The real thing I’m trying to say here is that you shouldn't get worked up. People go through our lives all the time. Some of them play key roles, while others are just there to be the background character. Don’t let yourself focus on those people who aren’t willing to be supportive. I’m also not saying that you should let things go. Confront them! Even if it doesn’t help you now, it may help them be better to someone in the future.