We all have friends we let back into our life even after they treat us wrong. The fakes we forgive. The mistakes we allow. Betrayal we let slide. Why? because we think they'll change eventually. Truth is, they don't and they won't. You have to move on. Friend break ups can be as bad as real relationships, but just cherish their moments that were good. You're only holding yourself back.Â
They don't deserve countless times to hurt you. You do not need to forgive, let things slide. It's an unhealthy relationship. If they are not truly there to see the best in you, support you, grow with you. Girl, let them Debbie downers go.Â
If a friendship is doing more harm than good, you know, it is toxic. If you find yourself constantly questioning if you can trust them. If they show you they don't care, by not being expressive towards something you need them to be. They don't support your growing or growth. Or when they're not listening to you, they're just waiting for their turn to talk. When they're "joking" only tears you down. When you doubt yourself in an aspect of your appearance and they don't hype you up, or give any confidence boost, instead they look the other way. Finding yourself not being yourself with them. They push you to do things you don't want to. You feel you can't say no to them or you'll upset them. When they go after people you like, knowing you like them. When they embarrass you in front of people to make themselves look better.. These are just to name a few. You know the signs, don't look past them.
I've basically been that toxic friend before, granted I didn't do all those things. I choose my toxic friend over my bestfriend when she never did anything wrong to me. I kept taking that toxic friend back, making me a toxic friend to my bestfriend by hurting her feelings; not caring for her feelings and blowing her off when she warned me about the other girl. So because of this I've almost lost a true friend. We both actually have cried to each other because we thought our friendship was over. That's friendship. Allowing someone who doesn't have good intentions interrupt that was a mistake. Allowing someone that's toxic in your life at all is a mistake. Don't lose true friends over it.Â
Just look out for yourself. Some can be sneak dissing, snakes. Some could not care and show all those signs. Always watch who you are trusting, and how they're treating you. Keep people around that support you and enjoy your company. Keep the good vibes around, not the bad. Most importantly, get rid of the toxic friends.Â